Calculating volume of a hex tank?


Active Member
Does anyone know of a simple way to calculate the volume in gallons of a hex tank? A friend gave me one a while back and we have no idea how big it is. The panels are about 8 inches wide each and the whole thing is about 20 inches tall. These arent exact measurements, just eyeballing it...

marine mike

Without doing any math, yours sounds like the same size as mine based on your description of the panel width and height. Mine is a 25g. Hope this helps!


Active Member
Find the volume as if it where a square L x W x D and then find the volume of the triangle shapes of the corners (L x W x D)/2. Then multiply the Triangle volume by 4 and subtract from the square volume. Then divide that by 231 to get gallons
Make any sense?


Active Member
The easiest way to tell volume on any empty weird shaped tank is to pour a gallon of water into it and measure how high up the tank a gallon goes. From there it's very simple to figure how many gallons tank will hold.