Calibrating Refractometer everyday?


I am using a 1.026 calibration solution to calibrate, and it is off .05 everyday... where as my old swing hydrometer is dead on everyday..... anyone know why or whats up? Why should I have to be calibrating this everyday?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jbailey52 http:///t/394507/calibrating-refractometer-everyday#post_3511316
I am using a 1.026 calibration solution to calibrate, and it is off .05 everyday... where as my old swing hydrometer is dead on everyday..... anyone know why or whats up? Why should I have to be calibrating this everyday?
My refractometer is dead on everytime. I calibrated it once....every time I check it, it's dead on, I think I have calibrated it twice since I purchased it...going on year one. Maybe it's a defective refractometer, or bad solution.


Its a c scope refractometer... Could is have anything to do with temp? Sometimes the refracto is behind my tank in the garage ( I have an in wall tank so the equipment is in garage) and the solution might be warmer in the house or vice versa. I have kept both in the house however and this still seems to happen.


It could be the temp. Float the solution in the tank so that temps are the same. I've had to do this with calibration fluid for refractometers and pH probes


I have a swing arm that reads dead accurate as well. I also have one that is off my 3. The one that is off was perfect for years.
The problem is that they're inconsistent. Some read perfect, then go bad. Some never read right at all. And some never go bad.