california tsunami


Active Member
anyone hear about the tsunami that might happen in california. well on the news there was a 7. something earthquake near Eureka and a lot of aftershocks about 3. something. and there was a tsunami alarm but then they canceled it. and there are still after shocks of the earthquake. well i live in san francisco near the ocean so im really scared right now but there was no eathquake here. i dont want to loose all my fish and all my stuff.


Active Member
u hear bout the one thats supposed to come from like the canary islands or somthing an take out the whole esast coast, like from maine to florida, and in as far as pennsylvania. thats pretty scary. i have like a .00001 chance of survival :scared:


Yeah, how about the people that ran to the coast to SEE it instead of getting the hell out of town..What do people be thinking... :notsure:


i'm from eureka and my fam is still there ... i called my mother and she was saying that she was at a baseball game when it shook and she said it felt weak like a 3.0 and about 15-30mins after that everyones cell phones went off hahaa
fear everything people... live your whole life in fear...