Call da Cops, I've stollen my first coral! pics


Well... picked up my first coral for my 20g today....I'm sooooo excited.Picked the piece for the green mush on it and hidden on the back side was some little tiny zoos.
The piece has 8 mush and about 12 wee zoos. It also has two other things on it that I'm not quite sure what they are.Will have to do some research to figure them out.Like I said I feel like I stole them.

Also could any tell me what the redish looking plant growth is on this LR?


Thanks guys,I needed to top the tank off.was gettin some micro bubbles.that could be what you were seeing...unless its the last pic you were talkin about. Got all kinds of green hair algae and other plant growth on it. Was hopin for some identification help with that.Got 10 zebra crabs that havent "found' that rock yet.Do zebras not like current that much?


Originally Posted by cjason3041
i love mushrooms... yours look great
thanks J ...$40 canadian ...can you believe it?
I live in the DeepSouth so I have one lfs thats actually local, everything he has thats cool is his and not for sale. I wish I could get deals like that!


Bump please...oh ya and a couple more pics ...the last pic is a shot of the unidentified goodie I got with the musie rock. Any ideas what it is ...its the red thing on the bottom left.



Ok got a snail question for ya al. Just picked up a couple of astrea(sp?) and they keep falling off stuff. Seems like I'm righting them once an hour or so. Is this normal?Am I gonna be constanly picking up after these snails?


I dunno if thats normal... I ocassionaly would have to pick them up and stick them to a rock or glass. but if they are constantly doing it I might want to say they are unhealthy but I'm not positive on this. If nobody else helps you with this you might want to think about starting another topic with that. good luck with it.
PS. The unidentified goodie to me looks like another mushroom... assuming that your talking about the reddish colored coral


I had the same red leafy stuff on one of my rocks and posted about it a while back. Some kind of red kelp is what we figured.