call me crazy but


Ok you guys can call me crazy if you want but i have a question.. I saw on the science channel that a certain chemical or nutrient or something in red wine has been proven to make all kinds of things as well as marine fish live a lot longer.. I was wondering if it would be safe to dose a very small amount of red wine in an aquarium maybe once a week or once a month to see what would happen... So, Do you think im crazy or does it sound like it might be possble? Opinions please... Thanks


See thats what i was thinking.. If people dose with vodka then it would probrably be safe to use a little red wine every once in a while as long as it was kept to a minimal amount.. I was watching the science channel tonight and they were talking about some kind of special thing they found in red wine that they tested on marine life and other various things.. They said it had a big impact on marine life especially.. They said it made them live for nearly 60 percent longer.. If i could remember what exactly it was they found i would just try to find some of that in a concentrated form and find out how they used it with marine fish and do it but the closest thing i know of close to it is red wine so thats why i was wondering... If they have already proved that it makes fish live a lot longer then why not look into it more...
Anyone else have an opinion on this?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Do NOT do it unless you thoroughly research it first.

Thats why i am here... Not only for me but for all people who keep marine fish in an aquarium.. I want to research this idea a lot first before i try it... I want to get opinions and ideas from a lot of you guys for this.. If this turns out to be a positive thing then it could make keeping marine fish a lot easier and a lot less expensive lol..


Originally Posted by usirchchris

THANK YOU!!!!! Yes that is the word im looking for... I searched resveratrol after seeing that you posted and it is indeed the compound im looking into testing.. According to this
resveratrol has extended the life of a fish dramatically and im sure that with some more searching it could be used possibly in fish food to help keep our fish healthier and help them to live longer. Who know it may even help to fight some of the most common diseases that fish deveop by keeping them and their immune system more healthy...
So, someone please present an idea to me on how to use resveratrol with my marine fish.... Should i try to find a pure form of it and add a drop to a piece of mysis shrimp before feeding my fish or should i just put a little in the aquarium water??
Opinions please??


Originally Posted by spanko
Don't think you will get enough of the resveratrol is a little wine to make a difference. The tests are normally using the pure substance in much larger doses than available by eating or drinking the foods they naturally occur in.

Thank you for the link.. I am also concerned about the red wine not having enough of the compund in it to make a huge difference with the fish so i guess the pure form of resveratrol is what im going to have to start looking for and then go from there... It has definately been proven to make marine fish live longer so why not try it?


Active Member
Probably because it is going to be very cost prohibitive if you can even find it. But good thinking outside the box. Keep us posted on your quest!!!


True, it may be a little expensive to purchase.. I have already found a few auctions on ---- for resveratrol in a liquid form and it is a little pricey.. However, How much money do we spend on fish? LOTS!! Marine fish are expensive and the marine hobby is also very expensive.. So this is how i see it... If i can buy some pure resveratrol in a liquid form and administer it to my fish and they live longer then that is a way of saving money to me by not having to buy new fish.. Some of my fish are very old, i have a blue hippo tang that is at least around 9 inches or bigger as well as several other big tangs... They would be expensive to replace and i really dont want to replace them so im looking to help them live a longr life... It has already been proven to extend marine life so im going to do some more research and eventually start feeding with resveratrol in my fish food (mysis and brine shrimp mostly).. I know i dont have a lot of posts on this forum and i dont get on it a lot because i am usually very busy but i do know a lot about marine fish.. Im 22 years old now and have been in the hobby since i was 14 years old.. So i know marine fish are a lot more delicate than others... Health is a big factor with marine fish so why not find a healthy and natural solution to keeping our fish longer?? Like i said before you can call me crazy but thats the way i see it so im probrably going to try this unless someone can convince me otherwise for a very good reason... Thanks for all the replys so far... I will keep you posted


I am working on gathering all of the ingredients and exactly how much of what right now.. Trust me thats the first thing i thought of.. its part of the research im doing... I do appreciate you checking back on this thread though.. The more people that see it the more ideas and feedback i can get... This is not something im just doing for me.. Im doing it for all of us so any help or thoughts or concerns are greatly appreciated... I will post back with all ingredients when i recieve the list.. Thanks again guys


Ok so with some more searching i was unable to come up with any PURE liquid forms of resveratrol... I am going to do some more searching but perhaps there is another way... I found some PURE RESVERATROL online.. It is said to be 100 percent pure with no other ingredients so it may be the brand to use.. It is also fairly cheap.. I am going to post a link..
My idea is to find out how much resveratrol scientists were using in the fishes food and then break i would just break up each capsule accordingly with the right amount of food... Those of you following this thread please let me know what you think... Thank again
Ok so it looks like my link isnt working i will try to get some info from the manufacture website and get back with you guys later.. sorry for the wait
Ok this might work for now, if you want to view the item please go to ---- and type in item number 300334781514 into the search engine.. it should take you to the product


Active Member
Hmmm....we need someone who is familiar with these to see if they will have any adverse affects on your tank.
Other Ingredents:
Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, silicon dioxide


Hmmmm sounds right, the more i think about it and search the more promising it starts to sound... Is there anyone here on this forum that might know something about these three things??


Ok well it doesnt look like anyone who has read my thread knows too much about the 3 things i need to know about so now that i have some time i am going to start doing some research.. I will post back when i find out...


Active Member
Looking forward to it. Maybe I'll start looking around too.
"Magnesium stearate
is a major component of "bathtub rings". When produced by soap and hard water, magnesium stearate and calcium stearate both form a white solid insoluble in water
, and are collectively known as "soap scum".
"The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as silica (from the Latin silex), is an oxide of silicon with a chemical formula of SiO2 and has been known for its hardness since antiquity.[1] Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz, as well as in the cell walls of diatoms."
Seems I remember that using play sand in a saltwater tank was a problem because of Silica. Have to look some more on that one.


Thanks for also looking into this for me.. I thought i would have a lot of time this past weekend to research this but unfortunately things didnt work out the way i wanted them to.. I will try to look into these things some more today.. regardless of what i find out i wont give up.. This has already been proven to work on fish so now all i need to do is find the right form of the product that would be suitable for home aquariums.. Im looking forward to seeing my fish live a lot longer so im going to stay with this project to the end.. Thanks for all your help so far guys