Call of duty 4 or halo 3???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
yeah, back in high school my buddy was a freshman and he was actually top 100 in the world (for halo 2). Playing with him was ridiculous because you could never win. we all just gave up, and then he got a life and stopped playing.

I went to Kansas State University and a guy in my dorm was actually the #1 player in the world. He quite uni and went on to earn about 80g's a year doing tournaments and such...imagine rubbing your parents face in that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
Call of Duty 4 is much better online, not near as many little complaining kids as Halo 3

Holy cow is this a problem on Halo....WOW I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE it.


Active Member
Well I got COD4 and I have to say, it's a whole lot better. Not that Halo 3 isn't fun. But in COD4 you get to do stuff like work for upgrades, customize your weapons, etc.
Halo 3 you just work for rank.


Halo 2 rockz i was a pro too but i had to quick b/c me and my friendz felt the strain of practicing everyday tournements where fun but u get really pissed at the little things and my stress level was threw the roof, lmao well i do play halo 3 and i love it for the strategy, i explained to my parents its like being a top chessplayer u have to think in advance and be a little smart to be good, i would love to play with any of u=P but i warn u i only liek matchmaking social gets me pissed off(reminds me of the old halo 2 days where we did team training as practice and warmups) my Gamertag is HaloStalkerAK Peef if u do play i would like to own u one on one lmao=P by the way now i take gaming less seriously and only play halo liek once a week or only when a friend is on geting to 50 in double team =p


yeah i still play halo and will be getting cod4 but halo is where it is at for me. I still think halo 2 is much better that 3, mostly because of the of the melee problem.