Called the IO company



Well I called Gershwin back at IO today, guess what?
Gershwin: " No it doesn't seem like we got your sample, could you send another one?"
Thomas :mad: Yes I will send another one, this time it will be sent priority like last time + registered, + confirmation + anything else I can think of.
:mad: smoking :mad:

nm reef

Active Member
*sigh*...sometimes its very difficult to battle big business....good luck finding resolution!:cool:


Active Member
In my opinion I think it would be best to wait and see the results, before jumping to conclusions.
It's possible that there is a problem - and it's also possible that there isn't a problem.

nm reef

Active Member
I agree with broomer...there is no reason that I can see to trash Instant Ocean products just yet. There have been a few problems that folks seem to believe are related to the recent use of IO salt...but nothing so far to definitely establish a relationship.
Keep us posted Thomas...and best of luck.:cool:


Yeah lets not start a panic. So far only one other poster complained about the same cloudy/foamy mix like I had, and he was able to ask first before using it as a water change, and that was in what? Texas?
I was just adding to my last letter that I sent with my salt sample, updating about loosing the 6 line wrasse who is still MIA. Also added that I was going to send 2 other samples to chemists for independent analysis ;) . I sure some of IO competitors would love to have a sample.
Until I am able to send them another sample next week we shall have to play the waiting game. Until then no one should should be scared to make a water change using IO salt unless it is cloudy and foams up, or leaves that nasty residue on the side of thier containers.


When i use IO salt i always get much foam and a nasty brown foam like residue at the edges of my container. I thought this was normal? Should i continue to use this batch of IO or should i switch? Also is it ok to switch salts ? I always used IO will it be bad if now i start using something else? Thanks


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
Yeah lets not start a panic.... Until then no one should should be scared to make a water change using IO salt unless it is cloudy and foams up, or leaves that nasty residue on the side of thier containers.

You mean like THIS??? :eek:


Martin - I'm not talking about a little foam around the edges, and as long as your salt mix has not killed any of your inverts you should be fine.
I'm talking about massive calcium precipitation that forms around then entire mixing container, white all over, I posted a pic of my 29 gallon mixing container in another thread.
What you are describing could come from some build up that could be coming from your heater or power head from not having cleaned them before use, I've seen the same thing.
Be sure to clean your equipment before starting another salt mix, take apart your power head and clean the impeller, check for any wear on the electrical cords and look for any condensation inside any glass heaters, clean your mixing container and use only RO, RO/DI or DI water, not tap.
One suggestion that I would make is to test your salt mix to find out if anything is abnormal before use.


Squidd - More like this
All was very squeeky clean when I started this batch
Thomas...sorry you're having trouble in your system. I don't get a chance to check in here very often so didn't know you had this problem. I have always used Kent salt and so far (knocking on wood) I have never had a problem. The container I mix in never has a residue and the salt mixes up clean. I let it mix for 2 or so days (I drop in an old mag7 to do the mixing. It's a big reservoir)before using.
Keep us posted on the progress of dealing with IO. I have had good luck any time I've had to deal with any company in regards to my SWF. They are usually anxious to help resolve any issues. I hope IO will prove to be that way as well. Good luck!


Squidd, my barrel looks the same.
I also beleive I had a bad bucket of IO
It was cloudy when mixing and on addind to the tank clouded it all up for 2 hours. Did not loose anything but after mixing a 2nd batch and seeing it cloudy I pitched it. Probably should have got a lot no. or something.


PhoenixRising - Hate to scare you but....well....ah....Kent uses the IO facilities to mix thier salt according to something I read just a few days ago. I don't know much about it other than it was second hand knowlege from another board when they were disscusing that a Kent rep admited to it.

Active Member
i have been waiting for thomas to let us know what IO had to tell him and i guess i will have to keep on waiting.
thomas how is every thing in your tank doing now did you take any pics of how your stuff looked after you added the new water and i think i am i trouble my bucket is white so i will never see the residue in my bucket.


Staff member
All I can say is that I changed from Red Sea to Reef Crystals earlier this yr. As soon as that happend 3 corals started to take a major dive. I lost one of them. Perhaps a coincidence. Perhaps it was just the "change" that caused the problem. I don't know. I was always very happy with RED SEA because it mixes up almost immediately with no residue. [Don't underestimate the negetive impacts of salts that don't mix up well or leave residues]. However, I just could not achieve the calcium I needed for a Reef Tank with the Red Sea . I've always had residue problems with IO and even milk-water problems where I've had to toss out freshly mixed salt water because of the same milkyway mix you got.
Thomas you are going to the people in business who sold you the salt to resolve your problem expecting what? Are they going to say that they are responsible for a bad batch of salt which resulted in the demise of your reef tank??? My suggestion would be to take your sample to an indipendent water tester---preferably one that knows something about marine water quality and test it for an impartial opinion. Then, if you want to pursue something, you will have the results of an impartical lab to back you up.
IO is not going to help you in your compliant.
Just my 02cents.


Active Member
Also added that I was going to send 2 other samples to chemists for independent analysis
This will be your strongest leverage IMO. As with most major companies it will be hard for them to admit guilt. and even harder for them to pay damages. Good Luck, sorry to hear about all this.


Staff member
Here is my mix tank using Reef Crystals. This is the 2nd time that this happened since I got -- a few mos ago. As you can.....I have 2 powerheads there. No it is not for lack of trying to get it mixed up.

Originally posted by Thomas712
PhoenixRising - Hate to scare you but....well....ah....Kent uses the IO facilities to mix thier salt according to something I read just a few days ago. I don't know much about it other than it was second hand knowlege from another board when they were disscusing that a Kent rep admited to it.

GREAT :( . Something new to worry about. To date, I've never had any problems mixing or using the salt. Sure hope I don't develop these problems with future buckets of Kent. I'm still using buckets that were purchased months ago in bulk. Hopefully, I have enough salt so I won't have to buy more until this issue has been resolved. Big bummer for all the reefers who have experienced losses through the use of bad salt.


If you look close you can see the flatworms floating and dieing in the water. This is immediatly following the water change.