callin for help from ophiura! please help!


dont know if you saw my thread in Equipment and diy but if you have a moment and can check it out i would appreciate it.. its titled return pump placement. its regarding my terrably cloudy water.. and it seemed to start when i bought a new bucket of salt and highvoltage informed me that there was some bad batches going around. could this be the cause of my problem.. is there a way to test the salt? is there a way to clear up this problem? hate to bother ya but he said you would be the one to ask... thanks for your time, i know your busy and your response is appreciated


Active Member
Usually Ophi is the "star master" so I will respond with my IMO response. I have not read your other post but I will take this post as a problem of having cloudy water and you thinking it is due to salt. IF I bought a new bucket of salt (and I don't care if it's the same brand I have always purchased or a new brand), and if my tank water became cloudy VERY shortly after using the new salt I would suspect the salt. From there, I would mix a new batch up in my 18g container with - RO water, power head and heater - and let it soak for at least 24 hours. If it's clear, I would use it and if not then no. If it's clear, I would make sure my tank is clear before I added it because then it's a matter of "how would you know". If it's clear and I use it and my water became cloudy then the salt goes and I buy another bucket of something. I see one problem with my proposal and that is how to get your water clear before you do your testing. I guess you could run carbon or maybe time will settle your tank. Not sure on the settling issue since I have not seen your other thread so I don't know if the cloudy issue is a consant thing or something that happens only during water changes. Sorry for stepping in!


Active Member
I would agree with the above. If you mixed up water and it became cloudy, then it could quite easily be the salt. What are your pH, alk and calcium levels? Cloudiness is generally caused by precipitation events from these parameters being way out of wack.


alk checks out fine ph is 8.3 and i dont have a calcium test my local store is about 5 blocks away and usually run down a pill bottle on friday for him to check while stare at the new shipment of fish and corals.. and as of last friday i was at 400. im mixxing up a bucket of salt in about 5 min and ill check on it tomarow and see how it looks.. should i just scoop out a clear drinking glass full? and in the mean time is there anything else i should be doing for it? and is safe for my inhabitant?
again thanks for your time..


mixed a bucket last night about 12 hours ago. as of right now its crystal clear.. but i will keep watching it...