Calling All 55 Reef Tanks!


Originally Posted by autotech
this is mine 1.5 yrs. old
I love the LMB in the barnacle shell! Its sooo cute! Its like his own little fortress


Active Member
Here are a few pics with my cheapo 3mp camera. In my system I run a 20g fuge with chaeto, 10g sump with a modified Octopus NW-200, carbon 24/7, ~125lbs LR, 53X turnover, 500w MH(XM 10K), 220w VHO super actinics, ATO, super saturated Kalk(vinegar) in my top off's 24/7, lot's of homemaid 2-part, tank temp between 82-84, closed loop, 2 SCWD's(fuge return and CL)
2 perc's, 1 green chromis, various snails, a few hermits, 2 peppermints, 1 fighting conch, 2 stars, various Acro's, Milli's, Monti's, Stylophora, yada-yada....



Active Member
just starting this one!
its still cloudy from putting the sand in it but it should be clear in the next few days! what do you guys think??? im not going to use that light on the side of the tank! it is just there so i can se what i am doing! i have a Current USA 48" sunpod 2X150 MH's with 18 lunar lights.



Originally Posted by fishkid2
i know what ppls are going to say when i show my pic
LOL! I sure know how you feel! I bought a dime size one for my
30g knowing that I would have to give it up in a few months. It
got to be that time to let it go and I just couldn't part with my
Hippo. I have a 90 gallon cycling now
By the time it
outgrows this, I'll be ready to upgrade to a 125 or if "life"
allows, a 210.


Active Member
nice tank hurt
. i cant wait for all of my sps frags to start filling in. i should probably post some updates like i said i would. do you have any closeup shots?


Active Member
Justin, unfortuately my camera doesn't come close to replicating what it looks like in person(DUTCH06-you out there? I do have a few "somewhat" close ups, but with 3mp close ups don't look anything like in person. Anyway, these are about as close I can get and still have the pic look half decent.



I just did before I took the pic! I brought about 10 stalks of it to the pet store and got a lawnmower blenny and a zoo rock on trade. I don't know why, but they spread super super fast. All my levels are zero...nitrate, trite, ammonia. ph is a little low. it's been like that for a while. ?


Originally Posted by Matt819
Kinda turned into a xenia
Thats awesome. . . lol, I'm sure if mine weren't on the sand they would be EVERYWHERE, I should start putting some LR rubble around them and let them go, then find a LFS that will take them.


Here's a crappy picture of mine, started last sunday. Any pointers on how to better arrange the rock?

Btw, its is much clearer today.
anamilasti do you have crushed coral for a sand bed? is so how do you keep it so nice and clean? you have a pretty colorful tank !!!!
Hey ill give you 5 bucks for an good frag of that xenia i now its kinda cheap but i figured you would want me to take some off your hands????


yup i have crushed coral. i hate it but i never really touch it, only when i do my monthly waterchange i syphon it lightly.
and thanks for the coment, my new 150 will be even more colorful.