Calling all actual Mechanics


Active Member
If the gear shifter was locked in D then it would make sense that the ignition would be locked in on. I dont understand how the tranny would be locked though. was it a ford? I know they have funny trannies in them.


Active Member
Being in gear doesn't prevent the ignition switch from being turned to off, you just cant remove the key until it's in park.
How this can happen is "drive by wire". My Ford has remote start. I press the button and the engine starts up with no key in the ignition.
The transmission might have a lever but their is no longer a mechanical linkage to the tanny, it's all switches and wires. Same thing with the accelerator, all electronic now. The brake and steering are the only mechanical systems left in most cars now.


Well-Known Member
The brake and steering are the only mechanical systems left in most cars now.
By most i know u dont mean stupid car lost power steering and its an actual electronic motor!
Wth was wesley snipes thinkin when he made that movie? Im guessing its before my time anyways lol as i havent seen it!


Active Member
Can't......... help myself..... Takes a Chevy to stop a Ford...... Go figure
Tahoe is a beast! Brought itself and a runaway Expy to a stop from speed very shortly considering.
To be honest that 1998-vintage 1st generation Expedition probably doesn't have many drive by wire systems if any. Doubt it even has an electronic gas pedal.
As far as what happened with the runaway, my guess is that the butterfly got stuck, probably from excess carbon buildup on the throttle body. The guy mentions cruise control not turning off. I'm betting the cruise system did turn off, but the truck kept speed so he thought it stayed on. The guy mentions he was stuck going 60mph, but from the actual video, it sure didn't seem like 60. So I am also guessing the brakes partially worked, just not enough to the mammoth while under power. As for not being able to turn off the truck, or shift out of drive, I guessing here maybe Ford as some electronic nanny built in. The truck was under throttle, so the nanny could be there to help the already historically weak Ford tranny from grenading, while trying to shift under power.


Active Member
I am not a ford guy either, but I currently own 2 of them and have owned them in the past. The cars have treated me right while the desiel van/trucks have not been so kind to me. Oh well, its just a (MONSI...please do not do this anymore....I have asked you nicely before...abbreviated or not..we all know what it is) Over Rebuilt Dodge anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/387102/calling-all-actual-mechanics#post_3403741
Can't......... help myself..... Takes a Chevy to stop a Ford...... Go figure
Tahoe is a beast! Brought itself and a runaway Expy to a stop from speed very shortly considering.
To be honest that 1998-vintage 1st generation Expedition probably doesn't have many drive by wire systems if any. Doubt it even has an electronic gas pedal.
As far as what happened with the runaway, my guess is that the butterfly got stuck, probably from excess carbon buildup on the throttle body. The guy mentions cruise control not turning off. I'm betting the cruise system did turn off, but the truck kept speed so he thought it stayed on. The guy mentions he was stuck going 60mph, but from the actual video, it sure didn't seem like 60. So I am also guessing the brakes partially worked, just not enough to the mammoth while under power. As for not being able to turn off the truck, or shift out of drive, I guessing here maybe Ford as some electronic nanny built in. The truck was under throttle, so the nanny could be there to help the already historically weak Ford tranny from grenading, while trying to shift under power.
All, supposition!!!


Active Member
Yeah, the big bad shovy stopped the Ford with the guy in the Ford pushing the brake peddle through the floorboard. :)
The cruise control system might lock the transmission in gear to prevent an over rev if the trans is knocked into neutral. If the brake operated deactivation switch failed it could be the guy panicked and never tried turning off the switch in the cab. Doesn't explain the ignition switch though.

darthtang aw

Active Member

I am not a ford guy either, but I currently own 2 of them and have owned them in the past. The cars have treated me right while the desiel van/trucks have not been so kind to me. Oh well, its just a (MONSI...please do not do this anymore....I have asked you nicely before...abbreviated or not..we all know what it is) Over Rebuilt Dodge anyway.
Sombody got spanked.
Darth (I got butterflies) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/387102/calling-all-actual-mechanics#post_3404121
Well they did something.shut it off. I imagine they just didn't let it run out of gas pinned up against the Tahoe... Whether just bringing it to a stop got it unstuck, or the cop was able to turn the truck off, or what... Would have been interesting to expel a bit on this in the news report, but I digress...
I've actually have a friend on that department, I'll have to ask and see what they did to turn it off. Because at a stop, those tires should be squealing like a pig...