calling all experts..(help) fish losing colors.


New Member
i have a 125 gal. reef tank. levels are all in good order... i feed the fish formula 1 flakes , mysis shrimp, veggie flakes, brine, krill,(not all at the same time ).... all the snails, hermits, stars, all the corals are fine... the yellow tang, pink spotted goby, mandarin, tomato clown are all great... but the domino damsel, the flame angel are seriously losing their color... we are adding phytoplankton & kent calc a&b like normal.. i need your help to figure this out.... i don't see anything in the tank that would stress them out... and i know they are truely getting alot of protein. please advise.


Active Member
Can you test your water and post most recent levels of Ammonia, NitrItes, NitrAtes and pH, as well as salinity and temp...?
Are they "breathing" hard...?


feed variety of foods consiting of marine orgin..... and never feed bloodworms and or brine shrimp ( no nutional value... kinda like celery)