Calling All Ocellaris Owners

Can those of you who have ocellaris tell me what yours has hosted? (i.e. nothing, BTA, LTA, Carpet Anemone, Frogspawn, Torch, Mushroom, Magnet, etc.)
Pics would be awesome!


Active Member
My female does host the mag-float from time to time
. I don't have any pics but will try and get some the next time I see her doing it.
Originally Posted by azfishgal
My female does host the mag-float from time to time
. I don't have any pics but will try and get some the next time I see her doing it.
One of mine has been hanging out by the magnet during the day; that's why I'm thinking of finding something (else) for it to host.


My B&W's when I had them hosted a purple tip frogspawn (gave the lot to my sister because her kids loved them), my Misbars host my electric torch coral.
I got tired of having anemones roaming around.
Originally Posted by kidreef
mine i think host the out put of my filter he is special

That's funny. Maybe he is trying to be a salmon.


Active Member
the powerhead

not any more though... i wish i had a pic of when he would wedge himself between the ph and the glass at night


Active Member
I will see if I can get a pic.. Mine appears to be confused, a B&W ocellaris that has been spotted hosting my.... Zoa's, Torch, green star polyups and lastly my RBTA. Go figure, he cant seem to make up his mind.


New Member
Mine is a captive born oscellaris who started hosting a live rock, then moved to frog spawn, pom pom xenia's, and GBTA.