calling all tree hugging 2 ply splitting eco nuts


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
In all my time shopping for food, I've only seen one person bring their own bags.
I knew they did that in san fran but I didn't know someone had proposed it in texas.
i worked in a grocery store for almost 15 years... you would be surprised how many people bring cloth or reuse their bags... the chain i worked for offered a 5 cent per bag refund...
plastic bags are easier to handle and make bagging the groceries much easier too... it was such a PIA to bag groceries in cloth or paper...


Active Member
Crap, I can't figure out how to post multiple quotes. I used to know how...
Reefraf, and stdreb27, I agree w/ both of you.
And reef - I'll take the semantic differentiation between environmentalist and conservationist. I think we're on the same page on that one, and I prefer to think of myself as the latter, partly for the sake of cost effectiveness and partly out of a sense of environmental responsibility, but not entirely for either reason.
Ducks Unlimited (just as one example) is a far more conservationist organization than the Sierra Club (again, for example). They (DU) go about their business quietly and independently and have done more to preserve wetlands than the causeheads could conceive of themselves, but because of that little hunting thing, the proverbial baby gets thrown out with the bath water. It's ridiculous.
The Sierra Club, meantime, gets causehead attention and money, but has become a largely political/lobbyist (i.e. ineffective) organization. They talk a good talk, but they accomplish little because they've been co-opted by the system.
I don't get it on either count.
By the same token, I do believe that there need to be watchdog organizations which oversee corporate abuse of the system as well, such as Monsanto's dumping of PVC waste into local water systems, Love Canal type situations, Intel and other chip manufacturers creating 20+ superfund sites in the Silicon Valley (where we have the highest rate of pet cancer in the nation), etc.
The trouble there ends up being a fox guarding the henhouse situation where we have (again, for example) the former CEO of Goldman Sachs presiding over the meltdown of OUR Treasury to his former employer's advantage...
I've given it a lot of thought, and this is a conundrum I have yet to figure out myself.


Active Member
The problem is the majority of voters in this country aren't D's or R's, they are I's. And I don't mean I for Independent, I mean I for Ignorant.
I can't believe most peoples rational for voting the way they do. If people would take the time to actually learn about the issues they claim to be so concerned about, then look at politicians voting records...... Well lets just say McCain and Obama wouldn't have been to two presidential candidates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Crap, I can't figure out how to post multiple quotes. I used to know how...
Reefraf, and stdreb27, I agree w/ both of you.
And reef - I'll take the semantic differentiation between environmentalist and conservationist. I think we're on the same page on that one, and I prefer to think of myself as the latter, partly for the sake of cost effectiveness and partly out of a sense of environmental responsibility, but not entirely for either reason.
Ducks Unlimited (just as one example) is a far more conservationist organization than the Sierra Club (again, for example). They (DU) go about their business quietly and independently and have done more to preserve wetlands than the causeheads could conceive of themselves, but because of that little hunting thing, the proverbial baby gets thrown out with the bath water. It's ridiculous.
The Sierra Club, meantime, gets causehead attention and money, but has become a largely political/lobbyist (i.e. ineffective) organization. They talk a good talk, but they accomplish little because they've been co-opted by the system.
I don't get it on either count.
By the same token, I do believe that there need to be watchdog organizations which oversee corporate abuse of the system as well, such as Monsanto's dumping of PVC waste into local water systems, Love Canal type situations, Intel and other chip manufacturers creating 20+ superfund sites in the Silicon Valley (where we have the highest rate of pet cancer in the nation), etc.
The trouble there ends up being a fox guarding the henhouse situation where we have (again, for example) the former CEO of Goldman Sachs presiding over the meltdown of OUR Treasury to his former employer's advantage...
I've given it a lot of thought, and this is a conundrum I have yet to figure out myself.
The problem is, in politics you no longer have people standing up to serve the country. You have people going in to serve themselves. I don't think there are very many politicians in power, that had they been in Washington's shoes, would have stepped down after 2 terms.
And that is why, I hold in such high value the original intent of the constitution. Because if it were rewritten today, it would fail like most other countries constitution's that get rewritten every couple of decades. Because people would not set aside their own personal agenda for the good of the country.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I can't believe most peoples rational for voting the way they do. If people would take the time to actually learn about the issues they claim to be so concerned about, then look at politicians voting records...... Well lets just say McCain and Obama wouldn't have been to two presidential candidates.
You have hit the nail precisely on the head. A great example of this is my own 88 year old father. He is a life-long Democrat, largely because of their support of labor unions, and also because of the propaganda he has heard over the years about Republicans being only for the rich, etc.
That is pretty much his knowledge of the political system. He, like I, believes that abortion is wrong, yet I can't seem to get through to him that by supporting Democrats, he is supporting a party that in turn supports abortion rights, among other things. It is very frustrating to say the least.