Calling all veterans

Im thinking of getting two very young clowns (the nemo kind i dunno the name
) . I have a 55 FOWLR with no fish yet. Is this a good idea for the first two, i have heard that if you get them young in time they buddy up. I hope in the future to begin buying more reef when my tank matures more. Any info on clown would be greatly appreciated


Im no vet, but if you get them at the same time they should be fine, regardless if they are young or not. The kind you want are called ocellaris clownfish or some call them false percula clownfish. They are great first time fish. I actually got a pair of ocellaris clowns today.
great...the ones at my LFS are literally about an ich long just tiny little things. But there also only 15 a peice which is a great price. They would be my first fish so im kinda excited...


Yep, thats about the average price of an ocellaris. They are really nice fish, and really hardy. Im sure the ones at your lfs are tank bred, which makes them easier to take care of.
Sounds great! with them being so small is the chances of them being lunch to a fish down the road an issue to address or are they pretty safe with.....flame hawks or dwarf angels things like that


I have never had either of those fish, but my guess is they will be fine. But remember dont add more than two fish at the same time.


Ocellaris and percula clowns are 2 different species. Nemo from the movie was a percula. Most people can't tell the difference. I would definately purchase tank bred, hardier, less chance of disease or parasites. Great choice for a first fish. In time they will become a pair and hopefull mate. They can change ---, begin as males, more dominant one will grow larger and become female. Good luck : )
I can't believe the moderators removed that word, too funny, sorry guys.
with them being so small is there a threat of other species down the road eating them? Or should i just select wisely


Sorry but I beg to differ, but you are wrong. The difference between true and false percula clowns is false are tank bred, never seen the ocean and true are wild caught. You see Nemo was born in the ocean so that would make him a true percula. : )
Like I stated before Ocellaris and Percula are 2 different species. This is a common mistake due to the similarities in appearence.
Well i hope so but lets say that over the next 8 months i add...
Flame angel
maderin goby
spooted toby
would i be putting them in harms way?????


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Sorry but I beg to differ, but you are wrong. The difference between true and false percula clowns is false are tank bred, never seen the ocean and true are wild caught. You see Nemo was born in the ocean so that would make him a true percula. : )
Like I stated before Ocellaris and Percula are 2 different species. This is a common mistake due to the similarities in appearence.
That is very untrue statement you made. First of all both ocellaris(false perc), and true percula clowns can be tank bred, and both can be caught in the wild. Second of all true percs and false percs have different attributes, and different colors. Just look around this site, and in the area where you purchase fish.
Yes, true percs and ocellaris are two different species, but definatly not for the reason you stated.


Active Member
nemo was definately an occelaris. perculas have more black on them, and IMO, are uglier.
anyways, yes, if you get 2 juvies they will eventually pair up. just remember that you can only keep 1 pair of clowns in a 55, and the pair has to be of the same species. so make sure occelaris's are your favorites. they are great fish.


Angels are not reef safe. Some are considered less prone to nip at corals but if you plan on having corals I'd reconsider the angel. You should look at a chart to see what fish are compatible with clowns. The clowns will grow considerably in that amount of time. In my tank I have a pair of ocellaris, a diamond gobie, 2 green chromis, and 2 6 line wrasses, the clowns are the boss in my tank. (one wrasse is temporary) The clowns will be fine as long as you follow guidelines and add fish that are compatible, keep in mind there is always the renegade who dose not follow the rules and will bully others but you can watch and if this happens you can intervine and remove it. I will look for a chart for you. Here you go-
I am not sure about the gobies you mentioned some be territorial. : )


Well-Known Member
I suggest backing your statements up by actual facts found off the internet if you are going to argue any point, same to you, hops523. (I don't mean to be a mod, lol)
You can get two of the same species of clownfish as long as they are juveniles, they will get along. Sometimes they will not get along for unknown reasons.
Clownfish are protandrous hemaphrodites which means that as they mature and pair up, the dominate one will change its --- to female. All clownfish are born male.
Source: (other then years of experience)


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Sorry but I beg to differ, but you are wrong. The difference between true and false percula clowns is false are tank bred, never seen the ocean and true are wild caught. You see Nemo was born in the ocean so that would make him a true percula. : )
Like I stated before Ocellaris and Percula are 2 different species. This is a common mistake due to the similarities in appearence.
Sorry to hijack, but Lmecher can you please explain where you got this information from?
My wild caught ocellaris pair are a little upset right now.


Originally Posted by Lmecher
The difference between true and false percula clowns is false are tank bred, never seen the ocean and true are wild caught.
Uhmmm, what?!?!
A. percula and A. ocellaris are both available as WC and CB. Coming from the ocean does not differentiate one species from the other at all. Try looking at this sites clownfish list that are for sale, they have WC & CB offered for both species.
To answer the original posters ?, two 1"ers should pair up well, and you don't have to worry about any of the livestock you've listed picking them off.
Just to clear something else up as well, all clownfish are born sexless, the most dominate of the bunch will become the female, the next becoming male, and the rest remaining sexless.