Calling all veterans


Originally Posted by riccio
Just to clear something else up as well, all clownfish are born sexless, the most dominate of the bunch will become the female, the next becoming male, and the rest remaining sexless.
would like to add some information to this about clowns the what S.E.X. they are
ive heard time and time again that clowns after they are female can not change back to males, this is FULSE, no you can not put a female in a tank with anothe rfemale and expect them to both live in the same tank but if you put 2 females together they will fight like mad and when one is almost tore to shreads remove that fish and nurse it back to health and replace in the tank with the female, you will notice the replaced fishs new attitude as being submissive even though the female still attacks it after 2-3 days she will leave him alone
if you cant belive it, the 2 fish in my avitar where both females at one time, the one with the stripes running all the way down is now male and they breed offten up to 3 times a month and the male is only maybe 1/2" smaller then the 5" female


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Sorry but I beg to differ, but you are wrong. The difference between true and false percula clowns is false are tank bred, never seen the ocean and true are wild caught. You see Nemo was born in the ocean so that would make him a true percula. : )
Like I stated before Ocellaris and Percula are 2 different species. This is a common mistake due to the similarities in appearence.
I GOT MY CLOWNS!!!! a pair of Ocelarris??? just little guys but i think there doing fine. Anyone wanna give me some tid bits on normal behavior?


clownfish don't have normal behavior

Just a heads up if you see them start to fight this is completely normal
One is just trying to establish dominance over the other and become the female.
My LFS told me to get a frog spawn to host them...good idea? My tank is almost 2 months old he claimed that a frog spawn would do fine if i controlled my water quality....advice????


Active Member
while possible, it's unlikely.
most tank raised clowns don't know how to live with corals/anenomes.
my two clowns have never gone near my frogspawn OR my anenome.
and remember, the clowns don't host anything, they are being hosted :)