Calling all who have a torch coral


Where do you have yours placed and what type of lighting do you have? ....also, how long has it been there and how is it doing?


Active Member
We have ours placed about halfway up in our tank... and the tank's lighting is listed in my signature. :)


Active Member
Ours has been at halfway up the tank for six months and it's doing great. It was under just the 50/50 PCs for the first 4 months and we added the MH and VHOs 2 months ago.

nm reef

Active Member
Mine is in a 55 reef with 4x65 watts of 10k PC's&2x110 watts of URI super actinic VHO' sits near the top of the reef in a moderate/random current. I've had it for about 15 months. It hasn't grown much but it does appear healthy. It has never responded well to direct feedings...but seems to survive off the nutrients in the water column.Below is a pic of mine taken under actinics...its one of my favorite pics.