calling AW2


i have heard that knowledgable people can --- eels by looking at them. is this true, and perverts i mean they can tell the --- of them


Active Member
True, for some species.
Others, like the Hawaiian and Japanese Dragons, both male and female are the exact same color. Someone could say "It's a male" and have a 50% chance of being right, but I want to know for sure.
In the future, when I aquire more, they'll be DNA tested so that I'm 100% sure of what --- it is. My future goal is to try to breed them, in captivity, which has never been done before...not even by public aquariums. It's not for lack of trying, most just dont really care.
Shedd has a 15yr. old male Hawaiian Dragon and I offered to loan them my female, to try to breed and they werent even interested...nor were they interested in collecting another female, in attempts to breed.


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
how am i being smart @$$? and so what if i am 12?
:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious