Calling NE Ohioans


Active Member
I am looking for someone that knows what they are doing to help me with setting up my tank (you would be LFS was going to do it for $50...but I can't get a time scheduled). I am setting up a used 125. It came with a wet/dry, 1 HOB overflow, and an ocean clear system.
I don't know anything about plumbing a tank and would love to learn...but I do this best by watching (and I am still recovering from shoulder surgery and am unable to do a whole lot of lifting). Ultimately, if my LFS gets back in touch with me soon, I will have them do it. If I don't hear from them in the next couple days, and you respond, I would be very grateful for any assistance and would gladly compensate you for your work and your time. I have had this tank in my basement since is driving me nuts not to have it set up!!!


I live in NE Ohio, who do you go for for aquarium supplies? I am in NE Ohio and really can't find anyone around that is convenient. I'm still pretty new so I wouldn't want to take on a plumbing a sump but I would love to watch, lol!


Active Member
When you are talking supplies...what specifically are you looking for? For general supplies (food, power heads, filter media, etc...), I have found ***** to be pretty reliable.
With you being in Cleveland, there is RMS Aquaculture in the area, there is also Aquarium Adventure and Aquatic Technology that are pretty solid.


Active Member
I know a guy who might be able to help you out. He's basicly my personal LFS, has tons of frag tanks and will special order fish for you. I know he set up a few tanks for some companies and he takes care of them. I'll PM you with his name and number.


Active Member
anybody closer to Canton than Cleveland...I hate to bring someone down that far (would feel guilty and/or would have to pay too much)


I am in North Lawrence. I run a business so I have little time but you are more than welcome to check out my 150 for ideas. I also have about 750 lbs of live rock for sale as well as other misc parts / skimmers / reactors etc.


Active Member
Call Ryaaannnn lol Also, check out C-sea! Best thing I've done since starting this hobby, people will BEG to help you with a new setup. There are people in canton too.


Active Member
FINALLY...I have a guy coming on Monday...charging $100, but at this point, I am willing to pay that!!! That being said, I should be able to get fishy friends in there in the not too distant future (starting with LR from my 55 and more fully cured LR that I will be picking up and transporting in tank water (about 10-15 miles away).

Thank you for all suggestions and help....I have a tank diary posted somewhere that I will be updating once we get this rolling next week!!!!!!!