Calling Reef Owners


Active Member
Originally Posted by stuckinfla
When you come in from 90+ temp with 100+ humidity, 78 is GREAT!!

holy crap stuck . in right around the corner from you and i would also roast in that house. we keep ours at 71.
as for my tank it sits at 80-83 with no chiller 6 fans and 1200 watts of MH


Originally Posted by stuckinfla
When you come in from 90+ temp with 100+ humidity, 78 is GREAT!!
Ever been to Indiana in the summer? Always hot and humid here. I also work in a Factory with steam around all day and when i come home I want it cool. But if you can live with great for you.


Active Member
I try to keep my tank at 81, but that is room temperature in my house (crappy AC and mega-bad insulation). My MH heats the tank up sometimes. The tank got to 84 today. Decided to go ahead and put the chiller setting back to 81. I had it set on 87 while I was recuring my rock after Katrina... never got that hot but I had it set as a safety valve.