Hi...I know that I have to wait a few more months to get a tang...this isn't my first SW tank...but I was wonderring about a purple tang in a 125 gallon FOWLR set up...do you think he would be happy? I know the Naso needs at least a 180...but what about the purple?
i dont see why. you can keep a yellow in a 50 and there pretty similar so i would think that a 125 would be fine. im thinkin about putting a yellow and a purple in my 125 when i set it up.
Originally Posted by rev_toni
Hi...I know that I have to wait a few more months to get a tang...this isn't my first SW tank...but I was wonderring about a purple tang in a 125 gallon FOWLR set up...do you think he would be happy? I know the Naso needs at least a 180...but what about the purple?
I think the purple will be fine in a 125. You are correct about the naso though.