caluerpa/refugium ????


have a 90g reef tank with a 6 gallon eclipse refugium. Im running a mini maxi jet from my sump with a 3/4 return. I leave the lights on 24/7 (light is kinda old)and I have added at least 4 bags full of different types of caluerpa over the last 7months.
The issue is after a few months the caluerpa breaks down and must be replaced, I cant seem to get it to grow. I have tons of critters and a 3in sand bed and 6-8lbs of LR. I add idodine, strontium and a 2 part calcium buffer weekly.
My water parameter is all at 0. Any ideas why I can grew the calpuerpa?


#1 what is your lighting? and how far is the light traveling to the Macro's?
I do not do this but if you add a little Iron supplement the Macro will go crazy. Also are you prunning the macro's on a regular basis? this is important not only for growth but nutrient export. Please explain used up. Are you saying in turns white or clear?? If so this is called going "ASexual" This can be caused by several factors. And if it is the case we can cover that as well. HTH