

Active Member
Can anyone identify this fern like plant. I've had it a month or so and now the tips are getting covered in some type of red/purple algae (I assume). Any idea why, and what I should do?


Active Member
Thanx for that. Yeah nitrates seem to have dropped since I introduced it.
Any idea about the reddish purple stuff growing on ends? In places it seems to be matting together.


I have the same type caulerpa with the redish stuff on the tips. They seem to come and go on mine. Don't know what they are but since you brought up the subject, can anyone tell us what they are.


Active Member
It does look like some type of caulerpa. Coraline will grow on macroalgae it happens in my tank all the time, but that looks like a little red slime(cyanobacteria) on those tips.


Active Member
Did you buy this fern like plant, or did it grow out of some live rock ?
Looks a bit like Bryopsis to me, but not sure from the pic.
Bryopsis sp. algae - Photo by John Rice
I also agree that the red stuff is cynobacteria.
It's pretty common for cyno to grow on algaes - I get it now and then in my refugium - but it always goes away.
Cyno being a bacteria - likes nutrients and some light - sort of like our true algaes, and produce/exchange gasses.
I would not worry to much unless the cyno starts spreading around the tank - otherwise I'll bet it eventually goes away if your water conditions are good.


I have some calupera in my tank also, but it doesn't seem to be growing too much. I have been adding the iron and trace elements and the lighting is good, but it doesn't seem to help.
The Naso Tang and Foxface on my profile are not in this tank
Any suggestions


Active Member
I bought the plant from LFS, it was in a reef set up and attatched to rock (may have been LR not sure).
Just noticed some red algae growing on a coral skeleton (it's red also so hard to see) so there must be a connection there.
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0 (first time this low)
By the way, bought a cleaner shrimp today and tested water it came in from LFS - nitrates were off the scale, so it should fare well in mine?