Camel Shrimp


New Member
Hello Everyone,
First I would like to take the time to THANK everyone who has written me back with their knowledge! Thank You!
I have a 75gal Reef Tank---
I have a cleaning crew consiting of 8 Turbo Snails, 2 Astera Snails, 1 Sally lightfoot, 3 Blue Leg Hermits, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, and a Scooter Blenney. I just added a Camel Shrimp and NEVER see him. Is this normal behavior? The cleaner shrimp come out when I feed. They just about eat out of my hand!!
There are 3 fish in the tank, a green damsel (tame) a yellow tang and a black clown, all been together for two months with no problems. Do the Camel shrimp hide in the live rock?
ps- Is it me or are the Sally Lightfoots a gas! I could look at her all day!!!!!


Active Member
Yes ,it is normal for shrimp to hide sometimes cleaners even hide until its chow time.


Sally lightfoots are a gas. it shocked me the first time i saw mine jump for the shrimp that was intended for my fish . Who knew they could move that fast.


Since they are not a "predator" they seek refuge under the rock, they come out more at night to look for food.... or until they feel safe....


hey guys,
I am so glad I found this post, I bought two of them along with a cleaner recently and thought that something was wrong, the cleaner somes out all the time but the camels never have I seen yet since I put them in there. I have 90lbs. of rock though so thats where they probably are. lol. What do you guys feed your cleaner shrimp, I just let mine be a scavenger for food, and he is doing just fine. Thanks for any input.


Active Member
I intentionally feed mine prime reef every now and then just to make sure their getting enough food.