Camelback or Peppermint?????


I have recently had yellow polyps dissapearing, and someone on this site said it may be that my peppermint shrimp is really a camelback. Well here he his, any thoughts? :help: :notsure:
ReefkprZ what do you think?


New Member
need a better picture but my bet is... peppermint.. camels have a weird pattern to them and a pyramid looking hump.


Also in the tank:
1 emerlad crab
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
2 false percs
1 bicolor blennie
I did just find a bristleworm, he came out of the rock RIGHT beside the polyps, but many people have shot him down as the culprit. Maybe the emerald crab? :notsure:


Active Member
does look peppermint to me but he could still be the culprit, I've heard they can pick at yellow polyps since they are closely related to aistipsia.


Active Member
There have been several reports by people on this site that said that peppermints will and do eat corals...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ahmoser
I have recently had yellow polyps dissapearing, and someone on this site said it may be that my peppermint shrimp is really a camelback. Well here he his, any thoughts? :help: :notsure:
ReefkprZ what do you think?

IMO yours is a female Lysmata rathbunae, peppermint, she may also be the culprit but I thought it may be a camel back because LFS's often mis-label stuff through either lack of knowledge or not really looking closly at what came in (and I hadn't seen a pic yet). Its a very common mistake. try feeding your shrimp more often and see if your polyps stop dissapearing. it may be that you have a pepp, that has a taste for polyps it's not unheard of.