Can’t believe my eyes


Active Member
Thought it would be fun to start a thread about crazy things we’ve seen…the type of thing if you weren’t there and didn’t see it yourself you’d never believe it.
I have an interesting one. A few years back my wife and I were visiting my dad in the Alton area for a week and had some time on our hands so we decide to drive around town and see the sights. Well, we stumbled upon a tour of an old dilapidated home (huge place, new owners were trying to raise money to renovated it) and they claimed it was haunted. I am very skeptical and for $10 each I decide why not, seemed like an interesting group.
We start the tour and are given the history of the home, deaths of young children, home’s foundation was actually built with rock from a civil war prison camp that had a history of brutality…type of history a haunted home should have. Well, we make it to the first room (keep in mind this place is in bad condition, no electricity, very dark and dank) and my back is to a dark room and the whole time my back is to it the hair on the back of my neck is sticking straight up. Come to learn it’s the bathroom and supposedly one of the children died in the tub. As we continue the tour nothing odd or eerie happens until we make it to the basement/wine cellar (place was pitch black) and we all go back to the farthest room in the back and the tour guide has us stand in a circle and she starts to do a little séance (Keep in mind there are about 12 people all in a circle in the pitch black). She was doing this for about a minute when my wife clenched my hand as hard as she could and she burst into tears. Not knowing what was going on I looked at her and saw a dark face hovering up from the circle and it was inches from my wife (maybe 10 inches from me). It wasn’t a black face, it was foggy and I know that we were looking at the same thing and it scared the hell out of me. I told the tour guide to turn on her flash light and I had to escort my wife out of the place. Was told later on that this had happened on other occasions and what ever it was seemed to like young women. If anyone wants to check it out it was the McPike Mansion in Downtown Alton, IL. I am a very skeptical person and I have to admit this place is creepy.
Anyone else have crazy stories to share?


Active Member
well i was in fort myers a few months back and i took a picture of this plastic ghost just for fun. the mouth was just black plastic.. not even hollow.. just painted black.. and this is what came out on my camera. look close in the mouth. odd thing with this picture also is that no matter how many times i rotate it and save it.. it goes back to being
sideways next time i go back to it.
look closley in the mouth. if you make the pic brighter you might be able to see it better


i used to live in a haunted house... i have so many stories. First of all, our ghost's name was edna. Her room was in the back of the house, and my dog would NOT go near it to save her life. She would stop about 10 feet from the door and just bark...
so the first time we had an encounter with edna: My mom, my two sisters, and i were at home sitting in the living room. The living room and kitchen were side-by-side with no walls in between, so it was like one big room. Well, we're all watching tv, and all of a sudden, the kitchen light turns on... my mom and i looked at eachother and she kinda shook her head as if to say 'don't say anything i don't want to scare your sisters'. But right then, my middle sister (about 8 at the time) looked at my mom and said, "why did the light turn off?". so quickly my mom said "oh that's edna". Lisa asks "what's edna?" and my mom told her that's the person you blame something on when you don't know who did it... My sister's eyes got really big and her face got so serious and she looks my mom straight in the eye and says "oh, that must be who grabbed my arm that one time" (oousokjhhfd, that gives me goosebumps every time i tell the story). my mom said 'what time", and lisa said "i was feeding erica, and all of a sudden someone grabbed my arm, but i turned and looked, and no one was there. They were helping me feed erica". OMG, i was freaked out forever.
Hmmmm... our house was shaped like a big 'o'. in the center were the two bathrooms, back to back. I walk near the one bathroom, and i heard all of these people talking, clanking glasses, music in the background, like there was a big party.... i walked around to the other side of the house, and i heard nothing.... then i walked back to the other bathroom, and it was there again.
Another time, i was playing cards with my mom, and we saw a young girl with a yellow dress run across our living room and vanish into the wall
when we tried to sell our house, my parents made us promise we wouldn't say anything about edna... so this american indian couple come to look at the house, and the first thing the guy says is "you have ghosts here, don't you"
she smelled like flowers, and not just like a single flower, but like you were surrounded by a field of flowers, and the scent was so strong!
ok, i can't talk about it anymore, i have goosebumps all over...


Active Member
OMG, JD, spooooky!!! I used to babysit for people who lived in a haunted house. Very freaky!!! When they moved in, they didn't realize it was haunted and they put the baby in the ghosts room. That night the baby woke up but they couldn't get the door open to the room. The door was ice cold to the touch too. They worked on it forever and then all of a sudden, it just opened. The room was freezing cold inside too but all of a sudden, they said they felt like a rush or something going past and then the room got all warm.
Funny thing is about your stories JD, they scare me less than your dentist thread. :hilarious


Active Member
My biology teacher told us something really freaky one day when we were trying to kill time.
Part 1:
She used to live in this house in Waterford, a kind of ritzy neighborhood. Anyways, her son had this stereo and every once in a while it would just turn on by itself! It would keep getting louder and louder and louder and by the time you got upstairs to turn it off you could barely stand it! Well, it did this more and more frequently, even when it was unplugged! Also, the trays would come out on their own. So they always made little jokes about their "ghost"
Part 2:
Her daughter was trying to get a good pictue of a glass with a plant in it for some project, and she used a whole role of film on the same thing. Well, when they got it developed, in only one picture, there was like this freaky face that looked like a ghost! She showed us the pic and it was the freakiest thing ive seen for a long time! Its mouth was kind of open, and it was kinda translucent. It had like these cataract looking blue eyes and, ohhhh it was so freaky! It was the only one on the whole role that had that on it. OMG, i still get chills thnking about it. She even when to the photography teacher in the school to see if it had maybe gotten crossed with another picture or something, but he said that thats not what it looks like when it happens. Plus, the whole role was of that one picture!
Part 3:
Well, eventuyally they ended up moving out of the house. Guess what? Her sons stereo system NEVER turned on by itself again! So they hada ghost apparently
Pretty freaky huh? I thought so. If only you could see that picture!


Originally Posted by rberhow
Funny thing is about your stories JD, they scare me less than your dentist thread. :hilarious
after a while of living in the house, i moved into edna's room. It wasn't scary at all, it was actually quite comforting. I felt like i was being watched over.
I have another funny story. The wallpaper we had in the house in florida was like a woven straw-like material. We had 2 iguanas, one was a good 6 feet, and the other was about 4 feet. The wall paper was woven, so it was easy for their claws to attach to it, so they used to just climb up the wall and sit there... They were there all of the time! Well, we had a lot of parties, and every time people would come over, they'd see the iguanas and say "wow, those are really cool statues!!!"... then they'd go over to touch them to see what kind of material they were made of, but when they touched them, the iguanas would bolt across the wall. It freaked people out so much! It was sooooo hilarious!!!


I like the first poster am a skeptical person. BUT. . .I lost my father when I was very young. My mother and he were already separated but they were friends. When my father got sick my mom took care of him. My (DAD) stepfather did not think it was a good idea for me and my brothers to go and visit because he had a cancer that ate away his jaw and throat area. We were young and he thought it would scare us. Well my father passed away. The night of the funeral after everyone had left, my family was sitting in our fairly large living room just talking. I was sitting a reclining chair with my brother when my DAD looked very strangely at me and then over my head. I looked up and didn't see anything but got a warm chill around my face, like a kiss and a strong smell of like fresh soap. I looked at my brother and he said "what is that?" I looked at my DAD and he said "don't be scared" He saw my fathers figure kiss us!
I'm 40 that happened when I was 5. :thinking: I believe


I know everyone has their own opinions but I wasnt to say this not to start a debate but so you know were I am coming from. 1st I am a religious person. I beleive in this stuff but not any good ones.
Ok here is my story. True as can be. I have 2 other people who can back me up on it too. We lived in an old farm house. It used to be a pony express station way back in the day. Under the floor it is trees cut up to make the floor joices (spelling?). It looks like lincon logs for those of you who know what they are. This is how old the house is. This house has many reports of people dieing in it. Realy freaky deaths too. I have heard and seen alot of stuff in that house and on that property but none like this.
There was a big barn out back and a stray dog that we were keeping had puppies under a car in it. Myself my brother and my step sister always went out there to pet the puppies under the car like everyday, a few times a day, for a week or so. One day I put my hand under the car to pet the puppies and I couldn't feel them. (BTW I was about 10yrs old)
About that time the dog lookes at me and her eyes were just glowing. Like white glowing and she started growling and it bit me hard enough to draw blood. So I freaked out jumped up and started running. My brother and step sister followed close behind. We got out of the barn and we going to keep running to the house till my brother realized that the dog had stopped running after us. It had stopped at the edge of the shadow of the barn and was digging and snarling and biting at what looked to be an invisable barrier at the edge of the shadow. We went in and got my dad. He bandaged my hand up (wich was bleeding quite a bit from a not so big puncture) and went outside to catch the dog. He was sure it had rabes(spelling again?). He took the dog into the woods and shot it, looked under the car for the pups and she had eaten them or most of them but they were all dead. The next morning I was supposed to go to the doctor to get the shots but when I woke up and my dad took the bandage off to put fresh on the puncture was gone. Nothing not even a scare. Now talk about freaky.


I have one more to share about a ouija board.
My parents are divorced and I was about 15 when this happened. My father joined the military shortly after the happening in the last post. He was in Danville IL. About 3hrs from me. We stayed the summer every summer and I had one good friend there. She had a little sister who played on one of these things all the time. She talked to a guy named Zor. Well she said this guy was scaring her because he was telling her that he was going to take her soul to hell with him. So one night my friend took her sisters board and decided her and her two room mates were going to try to talk to this spirit and tell it to leave her sister alone. (I was in the room but wouldn't touch the thing cause I hate them.) They talked to him and told him to leave her alone and he said he would but he would take someone else in exchange. He decided on me. I got up took the board told them they were making crap up and that they were not going to play anymore because they were going to far. (I thought they were just tring to freak me out because I wouldn't play) They tried to tell me otherwise but Iwouldn't listen.
Ok 3 yrs pass. I no longer go to Danville anymore and lost touch with all my friends there. I am 18 and I am at a party in my home town with totaly diferent people. They never even knew I went to Danville. Some people are in the didning room playing with a ouija board. I was watching. They were all swearing someone was moving it. So I said out loud if a sirit is realy here show us a sign. We all sat quiet for a little bit and they were getting ready to ask another question when a candle in a glass container just went out. No breeze, no one blew it out. Besides you would have to be right over the top of the jar it was in to blow it out. The heart thing starts to move and it spells out. My name is Zor. I won't go near another ouija board and after that is when I started to get realy religious.


Active Member
The second church I worked at was "haunted".
One night me and the youth minister (I was in college and was helping out) were working on a slide show presentation (before the days of powerpoint).
The sanctuary where we were was in the middle of the building, with a hallway that ran around the entire perimeter of it where the classrooms were located. So basically, if you went out the left door you could walk the hallway until it came around to the right side of the sanctuary where another door was... hope that makes sense. Anyway, it's getting pretty late.. we're both pretty tired after a long weekend at a youth conference. We keep hearing strange noises.. i make a comment about it and the youth minister says "Trust me, this place gets spooky late at night". I was like "whatever.. it's a church in a rich neighborhood. How scarey could it be?" Anyway, it's after 1am. We're just about to call it a night and we both hear children laughing and running down the hall towards the back of the sanctuary. I sit up and go "Who's here?" but he's already running for the left door. I run over to the right door and go running up the hallway. We meet in the middle of the hallway. We were the only one's in the building.
Spent almost 6 years helping out with the youth program in that church and never felt good about being there at night.

ledzep fan

Active Member
These stories are so freaky!! :scared: :scared: I have one myself.
Ok so one night I decided that I would have a sleep over with a friend of mine. So that night he came over and it started to rain right away when he came. So we were stuck in the house that whole night. As we got ready to go to bed, I closed the door to my room so that I could turn the t.v up louder and talk to my friend. I closed it and I walked to my bed and I laid down on my bed. A few minutes later the door slowly opened. I was like what? I went to the door closed it again and walked back to my bed. Another few moinutes later it opened. I looked on the other side of the door to see if it might have been my brother but, to my surprise there was nobody there. Also, there were to windows open so there was no breeze at all. Then finally the last time it opened I walked over to it and locked it. Then the rest of the night the door did not open. To this day I still don't know what kept opening the door. Kinda creepy. :scared: :scared: :scared:


A friend of mine, her boyfriend, and I were at her grandmothers house. (her uncle was run over by a car at the age of 4 and was burried on the property, along with others in the family) We decided to be wise and play ouiji in the grave I know! We asked who was there, it started saying alot of names (all those burried there) we asked if it was going to hurt us, it said maybe, we got freaked and asked if it would let us go, it said no, we asked where it was, and it said right here. at that point we heard twigs breaking(there was no wind) We all tried to run. My entire leg was dead. Mind you we were only there a few minutes, not long enough for it to fall asleep. Her b-friend carried me out of there. Yet we didn't learn a lesson. We tried again AT NIGHT!!!! It said you are not leaving, bees came out of the ground, stung only my friend that is alergic, we threw the board, ran to the house, when her bf and I went back out to get the board it was exactly where we were playing!!!! So freaky! I know most people don't think ghosts exist, but they do. I am a born again Christian, and I do not deny that they exist. I could keep you all up all night with stories of things I have seen with them!!!


This was not my experience. It was my mom and grandma and one of my uncles. They have always told me that my grandmas house was always haunted, their stories never change and I know they would'nt lie to me. They say that you would wake up in the middle of the night and see shadows of people standing in the door ways and hear strange noises at night. My grandpa woke up one night and seen a shadow of a man standing at the foot of his bed, he jumped up and switched on the light real quick but nothing was there. The worst and last thing they say they experienced in that house was on a night that they were the only three there, and my grandpa was working late. They were all sitting in the living room, and they started hearing a smacking sound on the door of the basement. The basement was in the back of the house off of the bathroom. They just kept hearing this sound, they said it sounded like a whip or strap hitting the door. They were getting scared because they were the only ones in the house, so my grandma called my grandpa and told him to get home quick that their was someone in the basement hitting the door. They waited and he pulled up about 5-10minutes later, as soon as he pulled up, the hitting stopped. He came in, went to the bedroom and grabbed one of his shotguns. He opened the basement door, walked down the stairs but found nothing. There was only one way in and out of the basement, and that was through the door that was getting beat on. The really scary part of the story is that when he was coming back up the stairs and seen the door, there were marks where a strap had been hitting it. Still to this day they have no idea what it was hitting the basement door.


Active Member
I have no stories myself, but just want to say thanks to all those that shared theirs! This a very interesting thread!