Can’t believe my eyes


Active Member
when one of my moms friends moved into there house, they decided to do some renevating. they decided to knock down one wall, and put in another room or something like that. well when they started to tear apart this wall they found a stair case that was in the wall. it was rather small, so that only one person could walk up it at a time, so they walked up the stairs and at the top there was a little room. nothing in it, just a little room with no doors or windows. i thought that was kinda weird :scared:


Originally Posted by teen
when one of my moms friends moved into there house, they decided to do some renevating. they decided to knock down one wall, and put in another room or something like that. well when they started to tear apart this wall they found a stair case that was in the wall. it was rather small, so that only one person could walk up it at a time, so they walked up the stairs and at the top there was a little room. nothing in it, just a little room with no doors or windows. i thought that was kinda weird :scared:
That is kinda of wierd. I would say it was a closet, but why have only a closet at the top of some stairs. :notsure: Hmm, that is strange.


after my great-aunt passed away, one of my older cousins stayed the night by herself in the house. i don't remember exactly why though. this house has been around for like 50 years or so. so i guess something woke her up in the middle of the night, and she looked back in the hallway by the bathroom and saw what she thought was cigarette smoke. my dad figures it was actually cigar smoke, because the only person that ever smoked in that house was my great-aunt's father, who smoked cigars. i think my dad said he was injured on the property and brought back to the house where he apparently died. needless to say my cousin didn't want to spend the night there again by herself. so i of course got to be the one to keep her company.
my family moved into this house shortly after. we've heard boxes fall down the stairs from the attic, yet found none on the stairs.
on a brighter note, the fruit tree in the side yard began flowering the spring after we moved in. i lived right next door most of my life and never remembered seeing flowers on that tree, and my dad said it had been years and years since it had. there were also a whole bunch more flowers that just suddenly appeared, that had been planted years ago and hadn't had any flowers in like, a decade.


Ok, another one. My Husband has an Ouija board. He used to play all the time solo when he lived with his mother years ago. Freaky things used to happen all of the time. Posters would fly off the wall, candles with heavy glass bottoms would tip over, etc. Every time he played it it would come up Satan. He took the thing out back and set it on fire in a burning barrel. He came back in the house and there it sat in his closet with a slight scorch mark on the back of it. When we moved into our first place together he brought it out once. It would cruise with only him touching it, and come up satan.If I touched it it would stop then slightly move. ( no he wasn't moving it himself, keep reading) The last straw was when I was home one night, and he was doing it by himself, with me sitting there and he asked where are you and our heater vent covers shot out of the floor and turned over!!!!! I am not kidding!!!! He has since been banned from ever using it. He is not an evil person, but the last digets of his soc are 666, his brother was born on friday the 13, and his other brother was stillborn, yet somehow lived!!! Ok, back to the story, we have since bought a house, he can make anything move with the touch of two fingers. A coaster, lighter, whatever. We ask questions and it answers, he no longer gets evil spirits without that board. It is in our bedroom closet. We have tried to get rid of it so many times, and it just re appears back in there. For 7 years now we have not bothered it and it has not bothered us! I wanted to do the ouija without the board, it took me a long time and alot of concentration but I was able to do it. My spirits are always good though. I get my dead snake only in my office. which wants to go behind the computer always, but in the living room I always get nice people. I can only do yes or no questions without a board. I tried drawing one one time with all the letters, but got a lieing spirit. I havn't done it in awhile, since I got re baptised, and am not going to do it anymore, but beware, they are out there!!


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
after my great-aunt passed away, one of my older cousins stayed the night by herself in the house. i don't remember exactly why though. this house has been around for like 50 years or so. so i guess something woke her up in the middle of the night, and she looked back in the hallway by the bathroom and saw what she thought was cigarette smoke. my dad figures it was actually cigar smoke, because the only person that ever smoked in that house was my great-aunt's father, who smoked cigars. i think my dad said he was injured on the property and brought back to the house where he apparently died. needless to say my cousin didn't want to spend the night there again by herself. so i of course got to be the one to keep her company.
my family moved into this house shortly after. we've heard boxes fall down the stairs from the attic, yet found none on the stairs.
on a brighter note, the fruit tree in the side yard began flowering the spring after we moved in. i lived right next door most of my life and never remembered seeing flowers on that tree, and my dad said it had been years and years since it had. there were also a whole bunch more flowers that just suddenly appeared, that had been planted years ago and hadn't had any flowers in like, a decade.
Thats so cool, she blessed the house and is at peace, very cool story!!!!


Active Member
This isn't really a ghost story; but just a wierd tie in my messed up brain made.
I recently watched The Matrix again with my girlfriend. I haven't seen it in a couple years, and didn't really strike me until this time how kinda philosophical of a movie it can be. Makes you wonder if you think into it. (not taking into account the other 2, just the first)
...Everytime I read one of these it makes me think that it was just a glitch in a machines programming anymore. Dunno - some food for thought :thinking:


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Ok, another one. My Husband has an Ouija board. He used to play all the time solo when he lived with his mother years ago. Freaky things used to happen all of the time. Posters would fly off the wall, candles with heavy glass bottoms would tip over, etc. Every time he played it it would come up Satan. He took the thing out back and set it on fire in a burning barrel. He came back in the house and there it sat in his closet with a slight scorch mark on the back of it. When we moved into our first place together he brought it out once. It would cruise with only him touching it, and come up satan.If I touched it it would stop then slightly move. ( no he wasn't moving it himself, keep reading) The last straw was when I was home one night, and he was doing it by himself, with me sitting there and he asked where are you and our heater vent covers shot out of the floor and turned over!!!!! I am not kidding!!!! He has since been banned from ever using it. He is not an evil person, but the last digets of his soc are 666, his brother was born on friday the 13, and his other brother was stillborn, yet somehow lived!!! Ok, back to the story, we have since bought a house, he can make anything move with the touch of two fingers. A coaster, lighter, whatever. We ask questions and it answers, he no longer gets evil spirits without that board. It is in our bedroom closet. We have tried to get rid of it so many times, and it just re appears back in there. For 7 years now we have not bothered it and it has not bothered us! I wanted to do the ouija without the board, it took me a long time and alot of concentration but I was able to do it. My spirits are always good though. I get my dead snake only in my office. which wants to go behind the computer always, but in the living room I always get nice people. I can only do yes or no questions without a board. I tried drawing one one time with all the letters, but got a lieing spirit. I havn't done it in awhile, since I got re baptised, and am not going to do it anymore, but beware, they are out there!!
That is a really hard story to believe. But a great one none the less.


Things I've learned from this thread:
1. Don't buy an old farm house
2. Trust your kids when they say they "saw something"
3. Never question someone who has claimed to see a ghost :)
My story:
Not mine actually, but my best friend's. I was a bride's maid at her wedding, and the day of the rehersal dinner, I sat down for lunch with her & her parents & sister. I was the only "outsider"...the rest was just immediate family.
Somehow, the topic of their old childhood home came up, and for the first time, my friend Nancy talked about a ghost that had grabbed her legs & pulled her to the end of her bed. This happend a few times in her childhood, but she never told anyone about it. I swear to you, the rest of the family's faces turned pale white.
Big Sister used to see a little boy ghost all the time in the living room, behind the couch. Never told anyone.
Mom & Dad had seen ghosts in the house, but never said anything to Nancy & Big Sister because they didn't want to frighten them. Mom & Dad would often hear people talking late at night around the house when the girls were alseep.
When they moved from that house, all was locked away in their minds, until that afternoon before Nancy's wedding...and everyone realized that they had ALL seen the ghost/ghosts in their childhood home! If other family members validating your ghost encounters doesn't make it real, I don't know what does!


When I was little probably 10 or younger I was asleep one night and woke up out of no where. My room was right next to my parents room and we used to sleep with the door open. I laid there for a second and I swear I heard somebody saying my name. Kind of in a raspy whispering voice. Scared the crap out of me. I still swear to this day I heard it. It was more then once they said it probably 5 times. I just covered my head with the covers (like we all do when we were little). I haven't heard it again to this day and I'm now in the basement.
We have this friend that moved in with us recently he's 19. He is terrified of our basement and swears our house is haunted. Just last week he said he was laying in his bed in a bedroom on the main floor and said he heard a raspy voice saying his name. He said he was really scared but went out to see what it was. He walked out and there was nothing there and nobody around. He went and watched tv till he fell asleep. Then the same kid just yesterday called me and asked me if I was home. Nobody was home becasue we went out to breakfast. He said he heard the toilet flush, which woke him up, then said he heard a bunch of foot steps up stairs running around on our hard wood floor. I don't know if it's just him or if our house is really haunted. Kind of creepy. We built the house so nothing bad happened in it before us or anything!


Do any of you know this??
There is a movie, cant remember what it is, 10-20 years old. I think its a scary movie. In one seen you can see a little girl peeking behind the drapes. She isnt in the scene or the movie and is supposedly a girl that was killed in the house in real life. MY friend showed me the movie in college and you could clearly see her face and eyes. It was really freaky! :scared:
Cant for the life of me remember what the movie is?? Anyone else know???


When i was 7, i woke up at around midnight, my door was open and the light in the hall was on( parents were still awake) so it was pretty bright in my room. I felt something touch me in the back, turned and looked and a hand with dark red painted fingernails was reaching from under the bed and touching me. The hand looked really OLD. I jumped up in bed and stared at it for a few seconds ass it patted around the bed. I jumped off the bed and right into my parents bedroom. I screamed and was still looking back at my bed to see if "someone" came after me. None left my room after me definitely. My parents were in their room and were sure my 9 year old brother was messing with me. We immediately went in his room and he was sleeping. I know it wasnt him because i could see my door the whole time and he never came in or out.
Even now i get the chills thinking about it. I definitely wasnt dreaming and it definitely wasnt my brother, couldnt have been my parents since i could see them as soon as i left my room. :notsure:


Originally Posted by emmitt
Do any of you know this??
There is a movie, cant remember what it is, 10-20 years old. I think its a scary movie. In one seen you can see a little girl peeking behind the drapes. She isnt in the scene or the movie and is supposedly a girl that was killed in the house in real life. MY friend showed me the movie in college and you could clearly see her face and eyes. It was really freaky! :scared:
Cant for the life of me remember what the movie is?? Anyone else know???
I think you may be talking about 3 Men and a Baby.


Active Member
Yes, 3 men and a baby. I saw an interview with the director or someone and they said it wasn't true. Just a kid who was on set...but it made them a whole lot of money in video sales. Here's a copy paste from another thread I posted in...whadda yall think?
I can kind of relate to this. We bought a house last year...I was doing some renovations alone last summer before we moved in, and noticed a few unexplicable things. I was sanding drywall and creating a lot of dust. I went downstairs to get some tools and when I came back up there was a huge heart drawn in the dust on the floor (I didn't do it, and it wasn't there when I went downstairs). A few days later, my radio kept getting shut off in that same room everytime I went downstairs. Someone had to physically shut it off, because it's the kind that has a slider that you set to radio, and it was switched to off...this happened a few times.
Meanwhile, we were reading through our abstract and found that a woman had disappeared in the '40's, and that police speculated that she 'wandered too close to the river, which was higher than usual this year'. The next year the husband was remarried and sold the house.
Skip ahead to last week. I'm walking down the street and start talking to one of the neighbors about five houses down. It was the first time we met, she's pretty nice and starts telling me alot of neighborhood gossip. After talking for about 15 minutes she says, out of the blue "what do you think about your house being haunted??" I start laughing hysterically. I said 'what do you know?' . She goes on and on saying the old owners swore up and down that it was haunted, and strange things always happened here...doors and cabinets closing themselves, lights on and off, etc...she even went on to say that it's rumored that a woman in the 1940's a woman was cheating on her husband, he found out, killed her and buried her in the basement.


Originally Posted by Ray28576
I think you may be talking about 3 Men and a Baby.

THANK YOU!! that has been driving me CRAZY all day trying to remember! I was about to pay $19.95 to do a search for my friend from college to ask him, i was getting so aggravated,lol.


One of my good friends just got an incredible deal on a house. The previous owner hung himself in the garage and the family wanted out of the house. Got it for about half what its worth. Its an amazing house but NO WAY could i live there. Kinda freaks me out just being in the garage in the middle of the day with people there. At night, alone, would definitely freak me out!


Originally Posted by emmitt
Do any of you know this??
There is a movie, cant remember what it is, 10-20 years old. I think its a scary movie. In one seen you can see a little girl peeking behind the drapes. She isnt in the scene or the movie and is supposedly a girl that was killed in the house in real life. MY friend showed me the movie in college and you could clearly see her face and eyes. It was really freaky! :scared:
Cant for the life of me remember what the movie is?? Anyone else know???

three men and a little lady or three men and a baby..was the movie...note to is all i have to say about these incidents..keep them comming..


It's a well known fact that the "person" peeking through the drapes was a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson. What a bunch of babies. I purposely was looking for a "haunted house" when I moved to N.C. hoping to get a deal myself. Ghosts. sheesh...


Originally Posted by mystic7
It's a well known fact that the "person" peeking through the drapes was a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson. What a bunch of babies. I purposely was looking for a "haunted house" when I moved to N.C. hoping to get a deal myself. Ghosts. sheesh...
It's a well known fact you're clueless
Try watching it, not Ted danson. Following me again eh?