Can 2 different color Favite brains encrust on the same rock next to eachother?

Can 2 different color Favite brains encrust on the same rock next to eachother or will they attack eachother with chemicals or will they try to encrust on one another? and what flow do you think one is best in slow or moderate?? and would you put it on the sand or rock, high, low, or in the middle ? discuss


Active Member
Are they the same types? I can't tell different favids apart and haven't tried any of mine together but I've seen rocks with two kinds encrusted together. As long as they are the same kind they won't attack but the faster grower will overcome in the end. Looks cool though. I'd place on the rocks so they can encrust but low in the tank and moderate flow, mine don't seem to care too much about flow but not sure about really powerful flow on them.


New Member
They may attack each other as the proximity between them diminishes. And if that happens it will probably be via sweeper tentacles rather than chemical warfare or encrustment.