Can a California Ray go in a 72 gallon


Active Member
I have a
1 Niger Trigger
1 Valentini Toby
1 Snowflake Eel
Can I get a California Ray??????


yes your tank will be too small, they like to swim. i have one in my 180, and he uses all of it. i have a niger in mine and he never nips at my ray, but others have told me that they can. mine have beed togeather for 1.5 years, so far so good.


Active Member
Rays need lots of room to swim around. I was going to put 2 in my 180 and decided against it. My ray loves the room. She swims laps non stop all day. I think that smallest tank a ray could go in is a 180. IMO that is. They require alot of room to swim, with a soft substrate, and not very much rockwork.


i would say 180 minimum for any kind of ray (hopefully bigger.....) they're not like other usual fishes, which are relatively laterally compressed......even if they're small, they need lots of open space.....also guessing from the word "california", i doubt that the ray you're referring to is a true tropical species....all of your current fishes are true tropical. as a result, they would be incompatible.