Can a clown harass an anemone to death?


Yesterday I put two small clarkiis in with my sebae anemone. The anemone was about the size of a dinner plate. Today with the lights on it's usually huge, but now it's all shriveled and the clowns are digging in. Will this kill an anemone if it's been in a tank without clowns for awhile?
Before the clowns.



I've heard of this happening - but I would guess the anenome is just adjusting to being prodded by his new guests


Active Member
It is possible however for a clown to tear up just about anyhting it decides to take up residence in. I just had a perc clown tear up a huge yellow toadstoolleather, 27 or 28 shrooms, a big stand of pulsing xenia, some pipe organ, BTA and a few feather dusters.......He literally buffeted those corals to pieces and disrupted everything. Up until that point he had lived peacefully in that BTA. Then he just went berserk....I owuld htink right now the anemone is adjusting to haveing two clowns take up residence i it...Just keep an eye on it for signs of wear and tear......