Can a clownfish become depressed?


Active Member
I think my clownfish is falling into depression. Ever since my damsel died a few days ago he has been less active and isnt sleeping at night. He is still eating but he is always in the same place and is very scared of me when he wasnt before. Is this a sign of something? What do I do?
Well of course a fish can fall into depression of some sort, they have a mind and feelings like any live creature would. You should put some type of damsel of the same breed and it might pair up or you can just let him sober up and get over it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Well of course a fish can fall into depression of some sort, they have a mind and feelings like any live creature would. You should put some type of damsel of the same breed and it might pair up or you can just let him sober up and get over it.
Do you think that I should wait a week or two before I get another fish to make sure that whatever killed my first damsel is gone?


Active Member
I would be more inclined to wonder if what killed your damsel wasn't maybe also affecting the clowfish physically more-so than think it a psychological reaction for its inactivity.