Can a Frogspawn Kill a mini carpet????


I have a new mini carpet in my picked a spot close to my Frogspawn....This Frogspawn is growing like crazy, and is now almost on the mini......If you look at the pics, the mini is the greenish spot on the pink long rock..(under the frogspawn)...Will the anemone move

Attachment 240300
Attachment 240301
P.S. The FS is BIGGER than a softball



Active Member
Is the frog attached to the same rock that the nem is? If not move the rock and nem. Not sure which will hurt which but yes the nem may decide to go traveling. If it does you may lose track of it.


Originally Posted by spanko
Is the frog attached to the same rock that the nem is? If not move the rock and nem. Not sure which will hurt which but yes the nem may decide to go traveling. If it does you may lose track of it.
NO, they are not attached to the same rock, BUT the nem is actually attached to that long rock, and the large one underneath....the long rock (and one you can not see behind the FS) is what holds the FS in place.....I'm telling you, this FS has grown quite a bit this past week....weird how that happens though
I was hoping if anything the nem would move over some.....not much I can do I guess....surely if it was being hurt it would....right???


Well the mini is on the move....I am letting it make its own choice....(boy that is hard)
It has gone under this rock....(the circled area) Impossible to get a pic, but it still look I guess that's a plus
Attachment 240459