can a grouper be able to be in a 55

grant white

i have a 55 gallon not setup yet and just wonder if a grouper and a ell and few middle fish can be in there or any angel or small tang

jordan 150

i would say any fish can be in there as babys for a while but all of those would probaly grow out of it. And groupers are not good to keep with tangs or angels there extremely messy and need excelent filteration most tangs and angels will not be able to handle anything but perfect water quality.


1st question is do you have a bigger tank to transfer him to once he gets bigger? My answer to that on how I am thinking is you don't otherwise you would have put him in there 1st. He will become to large for the 55. Plus putting Tangs and Angels in with him in the 55 would not be a wise choice IMHO. Like Jordan said Angels and Tangs reguire perfect water.
Like Broomer says: Your Tank... Your Choice


New Member
I beg to differ. I have a 55 gal with a miniatus grouper, clown trigger, niger trigger, and yellow tang. My wet/dry is a size bigger than the manufacturer required for a 55 and I have two circulation pumps in the tank in addition to the return from the sump. I run the skimmer 24/7. I do a 10 gal water change every 3 to 4 weeks. No behavior problems, water is fine. Oh, I forgot a snowflake eel is in there as well. I feed a little flake nightly, and feed about 2cubes of formula one each night. Early in this tank's life I fought nitrates but it has been settled for about a year now.
I do think that some or all of these fish will outgrow the tank at some point. I plan to trade them in at my LFS.
Good luck!! :cool:


Active Member
I wouldn't be so sure that your LFS will take them. The mistake made often regarding sharks, groupers, and eels is that when they are too large for a home aquarium is that a local public aquarium will be willing to take them, and this is just not something that should be considered. Most won't take them, so I wouldn't go into the hobby with that attitude. My LFS took an injured wrasse, and it will never be sold. In my experience, there doesn't seem to be anyone with a tank big enough, at the time that one is needed. I know that a 55 is too small for any grouper.


Active Member
insguy, in all do respect, you are WAY overloaded! All those fish IMO except for the eel need a 100gal tank, the grouper and triggers need a 125+. You may not have problems now, but down the road you will. When that clown matures, he will stake claim the whole tank as his own, and bully everyone in it. Please, take some of those fish back to the lfs, or get a large tank. Tangs also need pristine water quality, and those messy eaters will downgrade the water quality. There will be problems in the future, trust me. Bo