Can a Lunar Wrasse and a Six-Line Wrasse Be In the Same Tank?


Active Member
Hey .. Can a Lunar Wrasse and a Six-Line Wrasse be in the same tank? .. I don't have either of them in yet but I want one or the other and I was wondering if I could get both .. I've read some places that you can and some places that you can't so I was wondering what all your opinions were .. any help would be greatly appreciated ... thanks .. also .. if I can get both which one should I put in first?


depending on the tank size and whether u add them in at the same time or not


I agree, Lunar would eat the 6 line. I fell in love with a Lunar at the LFS and they said they are aggressive and not reef safe (if you were adding corals. ) Plus everything I have read says no wrasse's together I tried two 6 lines together once and had to remove the second one ASAP :scared: it was not pretty. I was told it may have been different if I had put them in at the same time. But I won't do that again. Just my 2 cents worth.


My lunare is in a tank by itself put him in my display, did not know any better, and he started ripping up my firefish. I like the lunare now that it is by itself, but it will not be going in with my smaller fish or reef again.


Absolutely not. The Lunar Wrasse would turn the six-line into sushi before you could even blink. And even if the Lunar didn't eat the Six-line, the Lunar is so full of energy and is so quick to feed, there's no way the six-line would be able to compete for food. The six-line would be better for a peaceful reeftank. The Lunar would be a prime candidate for a large, fish-only with live rock system.


I have a lunare, that is pretty calm with my fish. He does have a tendency to nip at the snails. They have adapted to only coming out at night so that they do not get eaten alive. I guess it helps if you have a fish that will bully the Lunare. I started off with a yellow tail damsel, and a 2 stripe clown. Then the lunare was added, and no problems between fish. Since then I added a Niger trigger, and he keeps him in check. None off my fish have battle scars, so I have to assume that they are even good at night to each other. I also have a blue velvet damsel that keeps the lunare in check. All in all no real problems with him.


Active Member
I was told no on the lunar with the fish I have by the LFS. I was told that he would be too aggresive for my fish except for maybe the dominos. And yes I have a 6-line.


Sounds to me like you did your homework on compatibility reefer. All of the fish you mentioned are semi-aggressive to aggressive fish, and highly comptaible because of that. Nice work.