Can a mated pair attack one another?


Ive had a mated pair of false percs in my 28 gallon with no problems. TOday i noticed one of them charging at the but not biting.....then the clown thats getting charged at starts twitching afterwords....seems really weird to me. Any ideas?


Originally Posted by tonynader
i did turn the lights off...still doin it
OH...welllll....they will stop...eventually...I had 2 get into it pretty bad....bit each others mouths off are now healed and seem like best buddies


They fight as one of them turns into the female. The female will be the dominant one. The fighting can get rather intense, but the male usually will make it through.


Originally Posted by tonynader
ok hopefully because they are both pretty much the same size
That will result in more intense fighting. It is always best, when selecting clowns, to get one larger than the other. It is easier for them to sort out who will be the dominant one.


Originally Posted by tonynader
well the guy at the LFS already paried them up so i bought them together....should i leave them in?
Yes, leave them in and keep an eye on them. If you separate them now then you will end up with two females who can't live with each other.


Originally Posted by tonynader
ok i will leave them in....but if things get too rough, then what?
Well then one will have to be removed. It can get pretty bad though and the male be fine. My male maroon had most of his fins eaten off and the female made him stay in a corner. When I fed the tank I dropped food in several different spots. While the female was off eating the male would dart out and grab food from another spot then get back in the corner. That is how I knew that he was fine. I dosed all food with a rotation of Vitachem and Zoecon to keep them, my main concern was the male, healthy. Mind you I have maroons, which are more aggresive, but the female was quite a bit larger than the male so he didn't fight back. You have two clowns of the same size. One is not as likely to just lay down and be submissive. They will both fight each other. Keep them as healthy as you possibly can.


Active Member
With one of the clowns already twitching, basically showing submission to the other clown, I wouldn't expect the aggressive to last too much longer. There will likely be the occasional chase/nip here and there for sometime, but they have already determined the sexes. Now, just waiting on the female to be sure she's paired with a male, not another female and put some size on him...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tonynader
Ive had a mated pair of false percs in my 28 gallon with no problems. TOday i noticed one of them charging at the but not biting.....then the clown thats getting charged at starts twitching afterwords....seems really weird to me. Any ideas?

LOL When I was a kid (about 6 yrs old), I saw the rooster jumping up and down on a hen...I thought it was killing it..but it was making chicken love...maybe the fish aren't fighting.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Yep, basically one of their ways of saying "Alright! Alright! You win!"

I felt so bad for my male. He used to shake in the corner that she would not allow him out of. If he dared to even attempt to come out she shoved him right back in. Apparently the "you win" dance was not enough for her because she still kept him down

Again mine are maroons though.


Originally Posted by tonynader
Ive had a mated pair of false percs in my 28 gallon with no problems. TOday i noticed one of them charging at the but not biting.....then the clown thats getting charged at starts twitching afterwords....seems really weird to me. Any ideas?
p.s... there are mated pairs, bonded pairs, and technical roommates.

right now you have unwilling roommates.
once they stop fighting and move in together you have a bonded pair.
once they lay eggs, you have a mated pair.


Originally Posted by windlasher
p.s... there are mated pairs, bonded pairs, and technical roommates.

right now you have unwilling roommates.
once they stop fighting and move in together you have a bonded pair.
once they lay eggs, you have a mated pair.

That is absolutely correct!