Can A Tesselata Eel & An Emperor Angel Co Exist?


Active Member
I have no first hand experience, but since no one else has responded I'll say this...
From everything I've read about tessies, NOTHING can coexist with them.
You'll probably want to wait until someone with some experience chimes in though.


Yes they can I have seen it done at a LFS's display tank. A tesse, emperor, french, naso, black hawaiian trigger, and a volitan. Good Luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGRSIV210
Yes they can I have seen it done at a LFS's display tank. A tesse, emperor, french, naso, black hawaiian trigger, and a volitan. Good Luck

Yeah, but how long did that last?...not very long, I can guarantee it.
Sorry to say, Mike7587...dont put anything with a Tess that you dont consider to be food for it.


the fish might survive while the tess is small but when he gets big and his mouth is big enough to get around a fish i guarentee he will do so. im sorry but i would keep the tess alone, they are highly aggresive and i dont think you can even have other eels in the tank with them. but not sure on that one.


Active Member
a lfs had a tess and a green moray in a tank for over ten years than about a month ago the green ate the tess to the suprise of many


Active Member
tess is best in a single species tank only one tess only they will also eat their own kind..if you happen to purchase a tess(not advisable unless you plan on upgrading to a much larger tank for its sole inhabitents 180 +)
now i do keep damsels in with my tess but as aw stated unless you concider them as food ,dont do it..mine so far has come to understandings with the damsels they clean food out of his teeth.but they are small and he is well far they have not been bothered by him this doesnt mean it will last for ever.dont underestimate the appetite or behavior of any large predator especially a tess..before i purchased mine it cleared out 4 angel tanks(he was a return to LFS 4 times before i purchased him)