Can algae die off cause ammonia spike?


It has been 7 weeks since I started my 95 gallon wave and I still get ammonia readings. I did put 5 Margarita Snails in the DT and they are ok so far after 1 week. Most of the macro I put in the fuge disappeared. Also most of what Is growing in the tank is in various stages of life/death, I believe this is due to going on vacation and the house sitter not turning on the lights for a week.
I know patience is a virtue but, will my ammonia ever go away?
Sal 1.023
temp 83.3 this am
PH 8.5
Ammonia .25-.50
145 lbs of cured LR in tank for over 4 weeks
1" -1.5" Aragonite sand bed
Bermuda skimmer (pulling out some gunk, maybe 2 half cups in the last 3 wks or so).
LFS tested water with strips (I use drops) he shows ammonia also, blamed algae die off.
QT tank has same readings as I took 15-20 gallons from DT and put it in QT with a piece of LR from DT.
Do I need to do something or just continue to wait and test.
One more thing, I tested the RO/DI salt water I made and it shows .25 ammonia as well.


Do you have glass tops? My tank was running 83 to 84 with the glass tops. Switched to egg crate like everyone suggested and now 78 to 80.


But is now fixed and temp is going down. I have 3-4" of plexiglass cover around edges.
And LR was cured