Can anemone stings kill fish?


Active Member
Anyone know? I'm trying to figure out why my angel died. it often got its face in my long tentacle anemone...
The other night it looked like it was stung pretty bad, the next day, it was dead.
I've already ruled out parasite (no evidence, no new additions, new UV bulbs in place), water parameters (perfect as of last test). Just wondering what killed my fish...this is something I cannot rule out until I learn more.


I lost a powder brown tang,a sailfin tang,and a koran angel to my purple anenome. My LFS had to move their purple anenome due to it killing or attempting to kill the fish in the tank...even a shark.I moved mine into my 33 gal. tank and I guess his food supply dropped below what he was used to and he died a week or so later.:eek:
Eeekk! That sounds bad! Under what circumstances should anemones be allowed into tanks? And what kinds are best? My bf wants to get a Florida condi for his perc. tank when he gets it set up. Is that good or bad?


Active Member
I have a long tentacle and a bubble tip anemone in my tank. I hope I don't have to worry about my other fish. But they seem to avoid the anemones. The majestic seemed drawn to them.
That sucks. I had that Majestic for a year.


I've had three different colored anenomes and I've found the purple ones to be aggressive.Mine found a place to hide and attack where as the one at my LFS would swim around the tank in search of food. My white w/ purple tips was my mildest one and my marroon clownfish loves rubbing all over him.He didn't care for my purple one too much unless the other was sucked in sleeping.


Active Member
most of the time anenome's are died so goign by color isn't a good idea.
Also... jillian... what else do u have in the tank??? Most of the time a fish will take a hint to leave the anenome alone but there are always the odd balls out there.
I don't have my sw tank yet, due to money problems and I think I'm still a little too much of a novice to risk it. Of course, anyone who wants to give me THEIR sw tank is FINE with me! :D Anyhow, I was worried because I was thinking of putting in a Florida condi when I got the tank, but I think someone said they are aggressive. My bf wants a clown-only tank, so the anemones (at least the aggressive ones) might have to stay in that tank. Thanx for the help! :)