Originally Posted by SpiderWoman http:///forum/post/2709575
I wouldn't recommend putting any kind of a clam under PC's no matter how shallow of a tank. Well maybe a cleaner if you must insist.
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman http:///forum/post/2709575
I wouldn't recommend putting any kind of a clam under PC's no matter how shallow of a tank. Well maybe a cleaner if you must insist.
im sure you could if your tank isnt too deep, and you have quite a lot of PC lighting. i kept a squamasa(sp) under PC's for about a year and 3 months. grew a lot. but i did have it a couple of inches away from the surface of the water.
but as stated above, its your tank, and your money.
i have a maxima clam doin very well under the pc's in the red sea max at my work. we have been havein it for about 8 months. everyone has there our opinons on what can and cant live under different lighting.
I had one under PC's for 6 years. It was your standard 55 gallon tank. He died in a move :-( His bucket had been placed to the side and we found it several days later.
ALL Clams will do better under Metal Halides because of the PAR energy.
Can certain clams survive under PC's? Yes. I even kept a Squamosa under PCs for 3 years about 12-13 years ago until I started studying them. Humans can probably survive with an 87% oxygen level in their blood - does this mean that they should do it for the next 3 years, NO!! Dogs could probably survive off of chocolate, as most people who have dogs know though - you are NEVER supposed to give a dog chocolate; because after years it can cause damage to a dogs digestive tract.
Bottom line is that most animals can adapt to their surroundings if they want to live - it's just how long they are willing to try to FORCE their system to adapt.
def need haildes, i had one live for a couple days because one of my LFS told me that it could live under t5's as long as I gave it sun-dried phyto, well all I got was a dead clam and red slime
Originally Posted by powderblutang http:///forum/post/2711137
def need haildes, i had one live for a couple days because one of my LFS told me that it could live under t5's as long as I gave it sun-dried phyto, well all I got was a dead clam and red slime
clams could live under t5 as long as its got individual reflectors, and not far from the light source. ur clam dying within a 2-3 days had nothing to do with lights. if it was a lighting issue, it would take a lot longer to wither away.