Can any one tell me the name of this Snail


New Member
Hello there everyone. I have his little guy in my tank - I should say big guy - he was about half his size when I put him and his big brother in the tank - they are very carnivorous and like to snack on the other snails in the tank. The bigger one has passed on - about a month after putting in the tank - but this guy is still hanging on and is feeding normaly and growing bigger - he has lasted about 4 months so far. If any one knows the name of this kind of snail please let me know so I can do some research on them. What I do know so far is that they are found on the Gulf side of Florida.


Active Member
probably a conch which is illegal to take from florida's shore .
whelks are also carnivorous, but that shell looks more like a conch


New Member
Thanks Reno
A friend of mine sent it up to me - I will inform him not to do so that its illegal to do so. He wanted to send me all kinds of stuff but has not yet. Gald you said it was not legal.


Active Member
probable a kings crown conch. they are predators. Found in the gulf.
If he has a Florida fishing license then some things are legal.


Active Member
It ain't illegal, if you don't get caught.
Seriously though, I think alot of the natural "protection" laws are crazy. Conches aren't endangered at all. I know, "global warming" has made all species in danger. Give me a break. But as they said it is a crown conch and I have one that I have seen pull hermits out of their shell and eat. If you care for your small inverts, you might find another home for it. They are extremely aggressive.


New Member
Thanks again. I told him to check into if he could send me his beach finds before sending me anything else - dont need to have him or my self busted !!!
You are correct mantis - the big one ate a few snails in the tank and passed in about a month - the smaller guy didnt go after anything for a while but has sence taken out a few dozen snails and has doubled in size. I have been thinking of tking him out but not sure if I will or not - have to think about it.