Can Anybody Add To My List?


Active Member
ive seen some nasty pinktails at my time volunteering at my lfs, one tore apart an emperor red snapper. if u absolutely must have a trigger go w/ a bluejaw or crosshatch
Okay so i know for sure
Emperor Angel
Snowflake Eel
lol besides that i dunno.
Can a puffer and Lion get along? or will he just nip at its fins like the trigger would? what about a trigger and a puffer? would that work? I really like the assassi and humu go with the niger i guess if thats my only option. but i like things with color. What kind of wrasse would go well in this tank and hold its own? Its 180gallon.
Does anyone know any info on the flying fish they have on this website under the misc. ? Are they like stingrays where they need a wide open clear floor to move around.
Any help would be good guys. I really want to get my list together so I can plan all this out.


Active Member
puffers and lions r iffy, triggers and lions no no, if u wer to change ur list by getting rid of the angel then u could keep the shark, get something like a tang or some other fish that r pretty yet can hold their own thats not a wrasse, large angel, puffer, or trigger.
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
puffers and lions r iffy, triggers and lions no no, if u wer to change ur list by getting rid of the angel then u could keep the shark, get something like a tang or some other fish that r pretty yet can hold their own thats not a wrasse, large angel, puffer, or trigger.
What about Puffers and triggers?


Active Member
depending on the trigger maybe, otherwise no, if its like a humu humu or any similar species then no. if it wer a bluethroat or niger or something than yes