Can anyone help identify


New Member
I have a Pinnate Bat in my 150 FO tank. Had him for over a year now, he is about 12 inches tall. Within the last two days he has developed large flat white spots. This is not the normal ick or anything I have seen before. The spots or lighter areas against the black are about a 1/4 to 3/8 inch in size. Almost looks like evenly spaced poka dots. He is still eating and breathing fine. In the tank with him are a hippo, unicorn, black box, and a small stone fish, these guys all look fine.
Any thoughts


Staff member
Sounds like flatworms.
Lets see if TerryB can agree or give adivse.
Can you get a pic up for us?


New Member
Thanks for the quick reply. He is still eating and swimming as usual. Fins are still being held high. I will start with the water change. Last fish was added 2 months ago a hippo tang. I do have a UV light in line with the pump and the bulb was changed with the last water change last month. I will keep you posted


Staff member
RMC, are you actually seeing something attached here? Or is it pigment fading?


New Member
At first I would say it looked more like fading. On Saturday the spots were getting smaller and less of them but that’s when I noticed some flaking on only one or two of the spots. He continues to improve daily. I have done the water change and continue to soak the food with Zoe and Zoe Con.