Originally Posted by FishInPhilly
Nope, he was on a strictly silverside diet : /
Thats what I'm starting to think too, Hammerhed. Thanks.
I normally feed mine about once every other day, and when he gets some mysis he aslo gets some formula 2. That liver disease is very common amongst these fish. They are normally eating Herbavore fish in the wild, hence they need some greens in their diet.(or at least i was told) Im really sorry about your loss and hope you get another one. They are really amazing fish
Nope, he was on a strictly silverside diet : /
Thats what I'm starting to think too, Hammerhed. Thanks.
I normally feed mine about once every other day, and when he gets some mysis he aslo gets some formula 2. That liver disease is very common amongst these fish. They are normally eating Herbavore fish in the wild, hence they need some greens in their diet.(or at least i was told) Im really sorry about your loss and hope you get another one. They are really amazing fish