Can anyone ID this??? and is it ok for my Reef Tank???


Ok so I took out the plant that had most of the little things crawling around on it and put it in a small beta tank with some water. I shook the plant and out came all these little things that I saw that night when my moon light was on. Now I don't think these are the same as the bug. I think they are shrimp? I would love anyones opinion on this because I have tons of them my tank.


If you'ld like to try the freshwater dip I would recommend using either distilled or RO/DI. The liverock dip will likely kill any invertebrate inhabitants including sponges, tubeworms, etc...Lots of hobbyists freshwater dip their rock to avoid populating their displays with mantis shrimp and other pests. The bacteria and algae that we use liverock for will survive the dip. I would empty your tank of all water and fill it with distilled or RO/DI water. The drastic change in specific gravity will likely murder these little pests. I would let it sit for at least ten minutes or longer, there really is no rush in this case. Good luck whatever you decide to do.....and let us know the result whatever you do ;)


Active Member
< looking left - looking right> where's Bang Guy?
I don't know what to tell you to do, that's a real problem if they are the bad boys.:eek:

nm reef

Active Member
The one that is bad may not be the only type that you have. I don't know enough about the "bad" one to offer any suggestions. But it sounds to me like its very possible that you have a healthy pod population and that is a positive. I'd hesitate to take any action to reduce pod numbers or eliminate them....most reefkeepers try to encourage assorted pods to thrive in their systems and reacting out of fear about a potential predatory type in my opinion would be reckless. I have virtually thousands of assorted pods through out my system and I've never been inclined to believe any of them were a source of concern. Before any action such as freshwater dips I'd make certain that such drastic measures were indeed justified!:cool:


I will let everyone know what I do and what the out come is. I think I am just going to wait for a little while longer to see if these are easier to identify after they get a little bigger. I could swear that from the picture I put up on my last post they are shrimp. Fingers crossed:D


Excellent :D !!! that does look like what I have. Like I said it is really hard to tell if the small ones are Cirolanid Isopods but I am just going to wait a while and we will see. Either way I will post the outcome. Thank again everyone, you all have helped me out so much:) :) :) :)


OK well it has been almost a month. I thought I was out of the woods so to speak but saw 5 of the bugs Sunday night when my moonlight came on. So I guess I will have to keep all fish out of the tank for 9 months to a year to be safe. Does anyone know if these things will harm or attack my brittle star or shrimp???
Ether way I am going to have to remove them because I give them supplemental feedings of fish food and I have seen the bugs come out and start to eat it as well. So that will not work if I am trying to starve them out. Looks like I have a year to really play with my coral keeping skills.


Active Member
i also belive it is that isopod i have trouble with the name but i belive there not a good thing just my .02$