Can anyone ID this coral for me?


Active Member
I got a few LR frags from a LFS that was breaking down a display tank, and over the last few weeks, I noticed this growing on one of the little frags.
It is very hard to the touch so it's not a sponge (what I thought at first) and it has little thin white filaments that come out of it. I am thinking it is some type of SPS coral, but I cannot seem to find anything that looks like it.
Any ideas? Pic below with an approx scale.


Active Member
Yep. most likely a sun coral. Dont need light but should spot feed if thats what it is.
You can search Dendrophylliidae.


Active Member
I have also been suggested that it is a porites coral sp.
i thought of the sun coral, but it does not quite look like that. Very strange. :notsure:
Exciting getting a mysterious, free coral though!! :jumping: