Can Anyone ID This Coral?


Hello All,
I got this about 3 months ago for a pretty cheap price, and because I thought it looked cool, it has a bell shape, and my damsels use it as a cave. It had a few bare patches on it, and it now looks to be growing. It feeds voraciously when I add most anything to the water. I keep it high in my tank and have PC lighting. Tonight I noticed that it is taking a cool green coloration, and it appears to be budding new lobes towards the upper side. Can anyone identify this coral?


New Member
Looks pretty cool.
Person you got it from doesnt have a clue?
Be interesting to find out. :)


Hey all, thank you for your replys. I was at the LFS where I bought the coral, and they told me it was Merilina. It's growing very well, and looks cool.


Active Member
A little tough to tell but I agree either Merulina or possibly a variety of Pavona