Can anyone ID this crab


Originally Posted by chunks
take a look at the tips of his claws if you can. Mithrax generally have flat tips for pulling algae, gorillas have pointy ends.
mithrax claws:

For those links...
His claws are 100% Mithrax... no doubt.
Thank you.
I've decided that I'm keeping him and not trapping him, unless someone tells me I need to get him out of the tank (I really don't know about all of this). I'll just let him be.. he's managed to survive for years.


I had the same thing in my tank!!! I couldn't figure out what the heck it was for the life of me! I had snails and a few fish disappear. I was able to take the piece of live rock that he was hiding in to the fish store and they identified him as a Rock Crab. They removed him from the lr and my tank has been doing better than ever! :jumping: Best of luck!


^^^ Exactly what I was gonna say. This crab will terrorize your tank. Get him out as soon as possible. My LFS found one in their display tank he was pretty big. He'll kill everything possible. Good luck.

wingnut sr

New Member
I recently removed 17 gorilla crabs from my tank, and set them in a 5 gal. alone. These crabs when small are quite harmless, and feed on algae. But as they get bigger, they also get very agressive. I have seen them catch and eat my snails, and try to catch some of the smaller fish. I blame the disappearance of 2 fish on the crabs.


Well i just noticed tonight that i have a gorilla (or at least that is what i think it is) crab in my tank. He must have come in with some corals i bought recently. He is about 5/8 of an inch in size and i was unable to nab him when i saw him. What is the best method for traping these guys and the best bait. I appreciate any help i can get i dont want this guy to wipe out my snails. I also want to get him out before he is big enough to catch fish. My tank is 29 gallons if that makes a difference.


Ok I got actually got him out of my tank and I am sure he was the same type of crab in the pictures. He is actually a nice looking crab.(Eventhough he lost his left claw in the battle to get him out of my tank) I put him in my QT. Is there any problem with him being there? Right now I have a couple fish in the QT but they are way bigger then him and if anyone thinks him being there is a problem it will be easy to get him out of there.