Can anyone ID this?


New Member
This thing seems to be growing on a piece of live rock that I got last week. Its small and I took the best pics that I know how.


I can't tell from the picture but it looks very similar to the macro algae i have growing on my new lr. My rock is about 70% covered with this stuff. It grows from a brown shaft and puts out blade type leaves. I have not been able to ID it exactly, but some folks on here think it is a type of sargassium algae. I could be completely wrong though because the picture isnt' that clear.

yosemite sam

Active Member
I think I have the same stuff too. Some sort of algea. The first pict is several stalks in my tank that are continuously munched on so there are no leaves. The second pic is from my 'fuge where the stuff doesn't get eaten and is sprouting.



New Member
I'm not so sure that it is the same thing. Its really hard to take a quality picture of something so small. My rock does look like the one in your tank.