Can anyone identify my new little lion????


OH, I was looking at the wrong pic. I thought the other lion below the pic of the Volitans needed to be ID'd

jonny bolt

Its gotta be a Dwarf Zebra. I often see Dwarf Zebra's labeled Fuzzy Dwarf's at local fish stores, when they are not. The Dwarf Zebra has more white on it, as you can see by the lines on yours. A Fuzzy Dwarf does not have white like that, as you can see on mine...

Fuzzy Dwarfs and Dwarfs Zebras are 2 different fish, unfortunately some places like ***** are not smart enough to differentiate between the 2 lol.


Originally Posted by Gamedawg
Those are not Russells, russells are very close to volitans, but different stripes, theya re very hard to tell apart. That is a Radiata. I know because I want one!!! They are a medium sized lion, not a dwarf, but won't get as big as a volitans.
I disagree. The dorsal spines are "too fleshy". I think it is a P. antennata


I am writing about #7, posted by gasguzzler, with 2 lions in the photo.
P. antennata has "fleshy dorsal spines"- as does the photo
P. radiata has horizontal stripes at the caudal peduncle- the one(s) in the photo do not.
Color variations change due to time of day, stress, water conditions, etc, so color variations cannot be considered.
My money is on P. antennata


Active Member
All of you guys suck. I used to have a lion and he died :( ... had him for 5 months.
anyways your all lucky! ...enjoy them..there a whole lot of fun....i only wish they were reef safe..hehe ..i have to many small fish now to have one.

jonny bolt

Ahhhh, I really cant see how anyone can call calylove's Lion an antennata. Compare an antennata to his...
Antennata Lionfish...

I think you'll find that you are mistaken, and that calylove's fish is not even comparable to an antennata. It is however comparable to the Dwarf'll even notice that the stripes in the middle of the body are split just the same, and also the last stripe before the tail has a space between the white....

That fish is a Dwarf Zebra Lion.


Originally Posted by fishnerd
I am writing about #7, posted by gasguzzler, with 2 lions in the photo.
enough said.


So its been a couple weeks of debating and I gotta say.....HUH?? :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:

jonny bolt

Calylove, I understand your frustration/confusion. There are some who believe your fish is not a Dwarf Zebra Lion, and they are wrong. Then they will hijack and swerve by posting pics of other fish that look nothing like yours, and then continue to post with replies such as "nuff said", etc., which is no help to you, or anyone else who may be confused by the similarities of the Fuzzy Dwarf and Dwarf Zebra lionfish.
I tried to help you, and answered only your original question because you were the one who started the thread. I paid no attention to those who may have taken the discussion off-topic and/or decided to identify other fish.
I would be willing to bet a considerable amount of money that your fish was mislabeled a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, but in fact is a Dwarf Zebra lion. Again, this happens frequently in my area, especially at places like *****. The fish are similar, but not the same.
I am a tad jealous of you though! I must admit. When looking for a Dwarf lion, I originally wanted a Dwarf Zebra like yours, but couldnt find one in the immediate area. I then stumbled upon my Fuzzy Dwarf, and because he was so small and cute, I thought he needed a home so I took him. I love my Fuzzy Dwarf, but in the beginning I wanted a Dwarf Zebra


Hey gas guzler, i have the 2 stingrays that you used to have, i was wondering how long you had them, im just trying to see about how old they are, there doing great still.