invertcrazy Member Feb 1, 2021 #3 Thank you it was in the rubble in the bottom filter and there was about 35 mixed in so i boiled all the rubble...hope that works
Thank you it was in the rubble in the bottom filter and there was about 35 mixed in so i boiled all the rubble...hope that works
L Laikoo Guest Feb 4, 2021 #5 Aiptasia, some people think they are pretty but most people not, they grow very fast, two can be 16 in one month, and turn to be a hundred in 3 months. The worst creature in a reef tank.
Aiptasia, some people think they are pretty but most people not, they grow very fast, two can be 16 in one month, and turn to be a hundred in 3 months. The worst creature in a reef tank.
invertcrazy Member Feb 4, 2021 #7 Thanks all...i took all the ruble out and drying it out then a 24 hour bleach soak
N nathanieltyler Guest Mar 24, 2021 #10 Had never seen them before, but now I know what they look like. Something to keep an eye out for in my tank. Thanks
Had never seen them before, but now I know what they look like. Something to keep an eye out for in my tank. Thanks
S serebyanka Guest Apr 3, 2021 #11 They look like small crabs. I've seen such on the beaches of Montenegro. But how did they get in your aquarium?
They look like small crabs. I've seen such on the beaches of Montenegro. But how did they get in your aquarium?