can anyone identify this???


keep an eye on it for a couple of seconds - do you notice if it puts each tentacle into a 'mouth' then pulls it back out and sticks it in the air again... ? ? if so it may be a small filter feeding cuke... could be some sorta worm though...


Originally Posted by miamishrip
keep an eye on it for a couple of seconds - do you notice if it puts each tentacle into a 'mouth' then pulls it back out and sticks it in the air again... ? ? if so it may be a small filter feeding cuke... could be some sorta worm though...
no it never moves??


I have some of that on a piece of live rock in my 20g too! I have no idea what it is. The first time i noticed it i thought it was a piece of hair from my dog that somehow magically got in there but then i took a closer look at it and noticed it wasnt at all. It's a frosty color and completly still but it splits out it different directions. Does anyone else know what this is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by miamishrip
keep an eye on it for a couple of seconds - do you notice if it puts each tentacle into a 'mouth' then pulls it back out and sticks it in the air again... ? ? if so it may be a small filter feeding cuke... could be some sorta worm though...
tht is EXACTLY what mine does.. all day i have no clus what it is its like a white color.. well the tentacle things. its cool. what is it.
2nu2believe. watch it does it move


Originally Posted by bill109
tht is EXACTLY what mine does.. all day i have no clus what it is its like a white color.. well the tentacle things. its cool. what is it.
2nu2believe. watch it does it move
no it does not move at all not even with the water flow? I have thought about reaching in and touching it but I am some what afraid to???? I have this thing about touching the rocks since I saw a bristol worm in the tank? OK OK yes I am a girl about it???LOL


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
is it growing or something that came on the rock and you noticed it afterwards?
I think it is growing I actually have a bunch of them??? It wasn't there when I cured my rock in December just noticed it in the laast week or so?


Originally Posted by bill109
tht is EXACTLY what mine does.. all day i have no clus what it is its like a white color.. well the tentacle things. its cool. what is it.
2nu2believe. watch it does it move
I sure wish I knew? it does not ever move I watched it for almost an hour an nothing just stands there like a tree???


Originally Posted by bill109
tht is EXACTLY what mine does.. all day i have no clus what it is its like a white color.. well the tentacle things. its cool. what is it.
2nu2believe. watch it does it move
its a small filter feeding cuke - i have one that came in on some LR - looks cool! the little tentacles look like snowflakes or somethin right?


Originally Posted by miamishrip
its a small filter feeding cuke - i have one that came in on some LR - looks cool! the little tentacles look like snowflakes or somethin right?
yep they do look cool, but do I need to try to get rid of them? I do have alot of them? (maybe 20?)


Active Member
If it does not move, I would say it is a foraminiferan. There is a pink version called Homotrema, but invertebrate zoologist Dr. Ron Shimek describes this in an article on forams (google foraminiferans Ronald Shimek
There are similar white foraminiferan species found in aquaria. Their bodies look like small "spiky" versions of a stony coral, rather like nano-sized versions of bird's nest coral, Seriatopora hystrix. These foraminiferans have not been identified to species.


Originally Posted by 2nu2believe
yep they do look cool, but do I need to try to get rid of them? I do have alot of them? (maybe 20?)

sorry - i was referring to the individual i quoted - that thin gin the PIC i really doubt is a cuke of any kind - the last comment i am almost positive that i is foramin or however its spelled - i just couldnt think of the name! thanks!